Chapter 7

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"Alexander! Help!" I shouted. A few seconds later, Alex came running in. In his pov, I'm laying on the floor.
"Rey! Are you okay?" he asked.
"Help me, I fell..." I put on my best crying face. I'm not an actress if I can't pull off some sob
Alex holds me up to the bed.
"How did you fell?" he checked my feet and hand.
"I'm trying to open the curtains but the blanket slipped me. It hurts so much.. I don't like dark."
"Hold on, let me open it for you."

Just as he reach for the curtains, Benji open it and scream to his face. Before that, I did put on some makeup on Benji to make it more 'scary'.
Now, Alex screamed "HIYARGH"
Praise my make up skill. We laughed, Alex just holds his chest and catch his breath.
"I'm not gonna help you after this. And you Benji, I won't let you play with my guitar."

"Oh come on, it's Rey's idea, she's just bored." Benji pout.
"Don't blame him, I just wanna invite you to watch a movie with us." I hold both my hand like 🙏 and my puppy eyes.

"Grrr fine, only this one time. You had me worried you know."
We all climbed into the bed. I lay in the middle of them, the bed is big enough to even fit another me. Benji put on Annabelle, and throughout the movie, everytime the ghost appear, both of them would scream like a girl.

After the movie.
" You both are a scared cat." I told them while putting on another show.
"I can handle everything but ghosts." Benji said.
"I just get shocked easily. Doesn't mean I'm scared of the ghost." Alex look away to cover his embarrassment.
"Whatever. We're watching a true ghost story now."
This time, I get scared too. And every time, I would hold on to their arms. The dark really get to me. It's 7pm now.

'the ghost proceeds to possessed Emily and all of her joint breaks.'
"ARGGHH!" we screamed.
The door suddenly swung open.
"ARGHH!" we screamed again.
The black figure slowly come in, it's walking by the wall. And the dark room became bright once again.

"What the hell? I thought something happened." Steve
"Why don't you knock first" Benji told him.
"Hey Steve, we're watching some horror movie, wanna join?" I invites him.
"I thought I could come home to a warm dinner. I was kinda looking forward to your cooking"

"You do? What do you want to eat? I can cook anything if there's ingredients and recipes."
I got a little bit excited. I stand on the bed to get off without stepping on Alex or Benji, but the soft bed made me step on my feet. "Ouch.." I stumbled.
"Easy there. Don't make it worse." Steve caught me before I fell. He put me on my feet stable.
"I want some chicken. Any chicken is good. I can eat spicy."
He think again. "Alex, go to the store, buy what she need. Benji, assist her. I'm taking a shower."

They nodded to him and immediately went their way. Benji carried me to the kitchen, and put me on a chair. Alex is holding the car key in hand.
"What do I need to buy?"
"What do I have to do?"
They asked on the same time.

"Wait, I'll check. Yup. You guys have everything. Alex, can you buy cauliflower and some tomatoes?" I check the fridge and saw almost everything.

"Sure, call me if there's more" Alex run to his car.

"Benji, can you cook rice?" I asked. He nodded and I told him how many cups for 4 people.

"Okay now, I just have to cuts this and boil this." I mumbled and prepares the ingredients.
It's good that Steve didn't treat me like a baby when I step on my feet. Kinda feel normal again.

After a while, Alex came.
"Here, I don't know how much you need but there's ice-cream."
He thumbs up to me. We laughed. I boil some potatoes then the tomatoes. I took some chicken and cut them into cubes. After I grill them, I closed the lids. "You guys, out."
They shocked. "What?" Benji asked. "Well i get anxious when you guys watch me. I almost cut my hand." i shoo them away. The nodded and took the ice cream to the living room. It took me a quick 30 minutes to whipped out some warm chicken from the grill and pour curry on it. I make curry rice and roasted cauliflower. Everything is ready.
I set the table and called them out. I sat on one end. And they came down. "It smells the whole house." Steve said. I proudly replied "Of course it does. I'm the cook in my household. TRY IT."
I invite them in a threatening way. They took a first bite, then the plates are clean. "Second?" Benji asked. I took his plate and refill it. When I turn around, two more plates line up. I laughed.
"Aren't you gonna eat, Rey?" Alex asked. He noticed that my plates are still untouched.
"I will, later. Once you guys are finish." they nodded and in 10 minutes, the table are empty. Except my plates.
"I haven't had dinner for such a long time. Thank you. Its very good. I hope tomorrow there's more." Steve went to his room. Benji plays with his phone. Alex still looking at my plate.

"Eat it. I wanna watch more movie." Alex said.
"Go ahead, I'll join you in the living room." I told him. Benji nodded and went to the living room. Alex shake his head.
"Are you uncomfortable? You made all of this, yet your foods getting cold. Want me to feed you?" he asked.
"No no, I just find it hard to eat when there's people, I used to have a strict diet. Made me throw up everything. I can eat only when I'm alone. My cheat time." I holds my finger ✌️.
His eyebrows frown.
"That must have been hard. I understand that feeling."
" You do?" it seems unreal that Alex had eating disorders.
"Yeah I joined my father to act but its too much. I drop out after a year." he told me. I nodded.
"So, to get your ED fixed, I'm gonna watch you eat. Go on." he tapped on the plate. I laughed and put the foods in my mouth.

After finishing everything, it made me nauseated. Alex put a lemon drop into my mouth.
"Don't throw it up." he rubs my back and take me to the living room.
Benji put on a comedy movie and switch off the lamp. In the dark, I could feel Alex holding my hand. As comforting as it is, I had to let go of his hand. I took the ice-cream and winked at him. The shows continue. I feel like I haven't done anything today, Benji already falls asleep. Alex said he will wake up once the movie end.
"We won't let you be harmed. I promise." he grips my hand tightly. I don't know if it's the food or what but I keep feeling anxious.

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