Chapter 8

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It's been a week since that incident. There's no news about that guy, except the messages he sent. They're photos of me, taken this week. I haven't told them yet. Once I can connect where his spot is, I'm sure I can catch him.

They let me make foods when I want, but they don't encourage me to do it everyday cause it might be too tiresome. Did they expect me to sit still 24 hours?

My ankle no longer swollen, and it doesn't hurt when I step on it. Everyday Benji would bring an ice pack. We would spend our time playing board games, sometimes online game. We had a little argument currently. I insist to go to school but all three of them won't let me. I told them I should go because Benji and I were the same grade. He could protect me. But they disagree, saying we're not in the same class, the stalker could come when I'm alone for awhile, blablabla. So now I'm in my room. Locked. I'm not the assholes here okay, I only wanted to go out. It's making me feel stuffy when I'm in my room for more than 20 hours.

"Rey?"Benji knocked on the door.
"It's either we take you to the hospital or the doctor come here. Choose what you want." Steve coldly said. Then I hear them bickering. I don't want to be the problem in their family..I unlocked the door and stand by the wall.
"Fine but only if I can go somewhere later."
"No, the doctor is coming here then." Steve decided.
" At least let Benji accompany me to the park or around the neighbourhood.. How about I bring both them?" I plead to Steve. He looks at me with pity.

"Honey I know you feel trapped and want to go out but your feet just got better and the crazy guy is still out there. I can't risk your safety. I love you like my own sister." that's when his shoulder got tapped by Alex.
"What if me and Benjamin brings you to the park, we sit there for 1 hour, we'll come home right away. I won't leave her side. She can dress up or wear a wig, she's a young actress, of course she could turn into different person with just make up." Alex suggested. Benji stayed quiet.

"Fine, only 1 hour after the checkup. I'll be there too. You happy?" he sighed and bend to look straight into my eyes.
"Yes, very! Thankyou Steve!" unknowingly I give Steve a kiss on the cheek. Everyone got so shocked you could hear a pin drop. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry, I used to do it to my late dad when he grant me my wish." I wiped his face.

"That's okay. Excuse me for a moment. We still have 3 hours before the check up. I'll see you downstairs." Steve leave.

"So now, we'll go buy a wig...? What type you like?" Alex look at benji before looking at me.
"I wanna try ash grey or lilac colour, my hair is long so a mid length one is okay, I don't really like short one, it's itch my neck. But if they don't have that colour, snap a pic of everything you see nice. Or better if you just come home and surprise me. Hehe. " I gave them a long preference. They nodded before going out. Now I'm all alone back in this house. I chose a very different style this time. For my makeup, I used to do natural, but today I wanna try bold. The red lipstick look good but I dislike it. Anyway I still gonna be someone different today. I put my hair in a bun for the wig later. I checked my wardrobe and found the perfect style. Before I used to wear clothes like angel or petites. Right now, I chose a green inner and black t-shirt to wear. There's a black legging and a shorts. I matched them and turn into an emo girl.

After I finished doing my looks, I remembered the wigs. Black hair suits my look but I don't know what they bought. Anxiously, I wait for 45 minutes, once they come back, I don't let them see me yet, I took the wig only. The wig is mid-length, but the colour dark red looks nice. I changed my clothes. The make up stays, I pick the black hoodie and black tights. A different type of shorts I wear over it. Then I'm done! It's gothic looking style. I open the door and called them.

"1,2,3! Tadaa. How do I look?"
They both were shocked.
"You look.. Different." Benji stutters.
"Good different." Alex corrected him. They nodded.
"we have like 1 and half hour, what should we do?" benji asked.
"I think I'm gonna sit in the swings for a while." I tapped on their shoulder. They followed me till the kitchen. Did I look so different that they act weird?
I take out my phone and look at the camera. Then I realise. 'He' could see me if I'm outside, and now I'm in this outfit, his gonna knew its me.
I run insides, Benji and Alex still there. Making cereal.
"Want one?" Alex asked.
"Sure, but just the cereal." I took a bowl and put it in front of him. He filled it up. And we talked till Steve come down.

"You look nice." he compliment.
"Thanks." I focus on my cereal.

"Now, which style do you like most? Goth or your usual fairy like?" Benji asked. It took me awhile before answering.
"I don't know, I hardly get to choose my own clothes before. Most of it were sponsored." I take my empty bowl and wash it. Alex give me an apple before I walked to the living room. He smiled. And I take the remote to watch the news on TV. Nothing in the TV is about me, luckily.
Mom would come home in another, she promised.

" Rey let's go." Steve opens the door, I turn off the TV and followed them. I sit at the back with Benji, Alex in front with Steve. They're listening to the radio. Alex's holding my hand but looking out the window.

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