Chapter 17

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"That's him. You sure you can do this? All you have to do is talk to me about tonight and go to Alex's car there. Remember to be loud and clear." Benji pats my shoulder. The anxious feeling in my stomach start to rise up again. Seeing the bastard freely walking around make my heart beats faster in fright. I took a few deep breaths and nodded to Benji.

Benji walks first to Alex's car. I run to him after him like catching up with a friend.
"Hey! Is tonight still as promised?"  I talk a bit louder, the stalker turns his face and saw me walking to Benji.

"Yeah, 8pm at Dream Gym. There's no one else tonight. Only you and I." he took a glance at where the stalker is hiding closer and whispered "Say that you need a ride with me."

"Then I'll meet you there. I'll walk to the gym. Can I get a lift? My car is at the mechanic." I said.

"Sure, get in." Benji opened the front passenger door. I get in and holds Alex's hand. Benji enter the car at the opposite passenger seat in the back, the stalker couldn't see someone else driving the car.

"Rey, you're okay?" Alex asked while he starts the car. His other hand is holding my cheek. I hold his fingers with both of my hand.

"I'm okay, it's scary but not so much. Thank you for consoling me." I told him, he just smiled a little and continue to drive with one hand.

"Rey you're amazing. You're really an actress." Benji break the silence.

"I'm just lucky I didn't get weak knee or stage fright. Just looking at him make me wanna hide."
I grip Alex's hand that was placed on my thighs tighter. He look over at me as I look out the window.

"You're trembling, are you sure you're okay? We can go to the gym later." said Alex. I shake my head and look into his eye.

"I'm okay since you guys promised to never let me be in any more harm. Tonight, all my nightmares will end." I push Alex face to focus on driving. He smiled softly. Benji nodded too.

After 10 minutes, we arrived at the Dream Gym. What Alex said is true. This place is isolated from the road, only one street light and the building seems old and abandoned. The inside is dark, only small rays of lights from the broken windows

" Are you it's not haunted?"  I hid in Alex's arm. He wrapped one of his arm around me and use another hand to keep my hands on his chest.

"Get a room, you too." Benji roll his eye and flick the power switch. The gym go from dark to dim. Then I realised that I'm basically hugging Alex. I immediately take my hands off of him and take a few steps back. There's a bottle behind that I accidentally kick, making me about to stumble.

His hand holds my waist, my arm over his chest once again.
"Careful, there might be glasses on the ground. Why don't you keep holding on to me?" he suggested.

"Sorry, I'll be more alert." I said. Looking away from him and tidy up my shirt.

"Seriously, if I puke here it's because of you guys." Benji said.

"Well I didn't know you're an antiromantic type of guy. Stop acting like a child, maybe then you'll get a girl." Alex teased him.

"I can get as many girls FYI, I just don't want to waste time with the wrong one." Benji pats his own heart.

After a while of checking everything in there, Benji said "There's a private wall here that has a window, we can hide here, it's close to the door so we can shut it once he got in. The equipments here are the problem. It's everywhere on the floor, you might fall and hurt yourself."

"What if I stand across the door. Once he got in, he will walk to where I am, then you guys close the door and hit him." I suggested and point at the gym's office.

"I know you're brilliant." Alex give peck of kiss on my forehead. I could feel myself getting red.

"I swear, once we catch him, I'm gonna beat him for messing with my friend. Oh wait, my brother's future girlfriend." Benji put his fist in the air. We laughed and move a few things.
The toilets wall are broken down and nailed into the middle of the gym, so once he saw me, he has to go around the gym, while he moves around, I'll run to the door in the other way. He will think that the wall beside the office is concrete, but it's actually just thin wood. The guys will hide in the office and behind the door leading outside.

"Let's go home now, we have 4 hours." Alex said in a tired voice. Of course, both of them did most work but I help too. Benji already take off his sweater while Alex just sweats in his shirt. He's muscle are visible through his wet shirt.  I had to look away everytime he came near me. He drove us home, even though I have a license, he still won't let me help more.

At home, Steve already waits in the living room. He saw us all sweaty and gross.
"Take a shower, I'll prepare food." he said, in his usual voice.

Benji run upstairs to his room, probably too gross with him own sweats. My hair bun is messy with few hairs going out of place. Alex still looks cool even while he sweat. I didn't notice that he has a very good face before. We walk up together side by side. My right hand is holding my shoulder left shoulder. It's ache a bit as it's been a long time since I exercised.

"Rey, can we talk for bit in my room after you showered?" he whispered into my ears. I nodded and smiled before closing my door. I quickly strips of the clothes and put them in the laundry basket. I was wrong to wear the clothes early. Now I have to find other clothes to wear tonight. I turn on the shower and soap my whole body. It's lavender scents. A body shampoo from Alex. I dry my hair using the hair dryer and put on a casual home clothes. I don't know what he wanted to talk about and I'm curious. I knocked on his door and saw him half naked.

His wet hair that drips water down to his packs. A towel only cover his lower part. My jaw dropped once he opened the door.

"You're fast. Take a seat." he point to the bed and shut the door. He take his clothes to the toilet to wear it.

"What do you want to talk about? Sounds serious." I said.

"Give me your hands." he put a pillow on his thigh. I land both of hand on it, open palm. Then I realised that my palm is red.
"I told you eating fruits only is not healthy. You can get cuts and hurt easily." he said as he put a cotton bud on my cuts. I hiss and tried to take my hand but he's holding it securely.

" I know it hurts, bear with it for a bit. You can pinch me if it hurts too much." he continue to put ointments on it and stick bandaid securely. "Your hands are done, now turn around. Let me see your shoulder."

"What do you mean shoulder?"

" I noticed that... You carried the wood planks then you rubbed your shoulder. Does it ache?" he tap on it.

"Only a bit, but that's because I suddenly lift things without warming up." I put his hand down.

"Then let me give you a rub. This oil can relief sore muscle. Can you lift your clothes till the shoulder?"

"Can I borrow your towel?"  he nodded and take a fresh towel from the wardrobe. I go inside his toilet and wrapped my chest till only shoulders left open.

"Will it hurt?"  I asked.

"I'll try not to hurt you."  he put the muscle relief oil all over my shoulder. It's a bit embarrassing to be honest, now I'm half naked with a towel covering my upper part. He slowly massage me in a circular motion, each time he put pressure on it, I could feel the muscles soothing. It gives a calming pleasure.
"It's very nice." I said. He laughed

Just 1 minute after, I put his hand down. "I'm sure you're more tired than I am. How about I give you the massage?" I turn around to look at him.

"No dear, I'm not tired at all. Why? Did that hurt?"

"No, your massages makes me wanna lay down and sleep. It's really soothing. Thank you." I hold his oily hand.

"No no no... You hold me... Now you need to wash your hands too." he said as his stomach growls.

"Come, let's wash our hands and go down for dinner." I stand up and realised I'm still wearing his towel on my chest.

"Wanna shower in my room? I can get out first." he said as he too stand up.

"You don't have to go out, I'll take a quick rinse."

"Let me wash my hand first."

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