Chapter 5

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"Sorry kid, we lose him. He knocked out our guards and ran away. We're terribly sorry. We will do everything to catch him back." said the police on his case.

His word broke me down. Steve is yelling at him. The police officer keep repeating sorry. Benji is showing the photos in the box to another police officer, saying its dire and important that they put this case on top of others. I sit there still. Who I saw was really him. He came back to find me. I shake my head vigorously.

A splitting headache struck my head like thunder. I hold my head and groaned. Benji saw me rubbing my head, he came over and asked "Rey, what's wrong?"
"I wanna go home right now. My head hurts. Please..." I pull him towards me to whisper, and he leaned in to let me lay my head on him.
"Okay, but how hurt is it? Want me to drive to hospital?" he carried me to the car, putting me down as careful as he could.

"No need, just take me home."
Benji nodded and drove home. On the way, a message from Steve popped up in Benji's phone. He checked it for a quick second before stuffed the phone down his pocket.
Once we arrived, Benji immediately bring me into the room. "You sure you don't need the doctor?"
I nodded and cover myself with the blanket. "Thanks.. Its still evening, can I be alone for bit?"

"Yeah sure, make sure to call me if you need something. Alex is next door. He could fetch anything you want, but I have to go. I'm really sorry, something came up." he apologised and closed the door. I'm left alone, I took out my pills but there's no water nearby. I had to walk to the kitchen. Holding on to the walls, I safely get the water from the fridge. I lean my back to the fridge and gulp my pills. It'll take a moment before the pills activate, I put the cup on the counter, but it fell on the floor.

"Shit." I limped and bend down to pick it. Luckily only a few drops spill. I sit on the floor and wiped it using a tissue, perhaps the noise alerted Alex. He came down running.
"Rey did you fall? Why are you here alone?"
"No the cup fell, I am just getting water to take my meds, but it fell. Sorry bout the noise." I throw the tissue into the trashcan. I hold the chair to get myself up.
"You could've call me to bring you the water, I'm here for a reason. Come, let's get you rested." he wrapped me on his hand, carrying me easily into the room. The headache is still severe, every vibrations made it worse.

"Sorry I didn't want to disturb you for small things." I sit on the bed, he's sitting on the chair next to me. He look at my shoes and untie it. To his surprise, the twisted ankle are swollen.

"Why didn't you tell me that it hurt? " he put my feet on the bed.
"I think the doctor did say that you shouldn't put any pressure. It's bad now. Get some rest, I'll stay till you fall asleep." he laid me down, thanks to him I didn't have to worry about resting for now. It took me a while to finally sleep. Alex is focused on his phone.

A few hour passed, it's almost 10pm. The room is dark. But I can hear a hum. " No this isn't real, you aren't real... Get out.." I hold my head, if this is a dream, I hope it end soon. Just after I talked to myself, the lamp turns on. Alex checked my forehead,
"Doesn't seem like fever, did you had a nightmare?"

"That man.. Did you hear him? He's laughing and humming.." I look around, only Alex had stayed in the room since.
"You probably dreamt about it. There's only me and you right now. Wait a bit, I'm gonna make you some chamomile tea." he pats my head and I grab his hand unconsciously. He lift his eyebrow, asking why.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to pull you. I mean, please hurry's scary to be alone.." i said as I let go of his hand. He nodded and went downstairs.

I could only sit quietly on the bed, my stomachs empty since yesterday but I couldn't eat anything except the candy he gave. After 5 minutes, Alex came in, holding a tray with the tea and a fruit bowl. He put it near me and place a small fork in my hand. The fruits are soft. There's apples, grapes, strawberries and banana.
"I -" he put a finger to his mouth, shushing me.
"Eat first, then we'll talk. But if you want a second bowl, the fruits are ready. Just tell me and I'll fetch it." he smiled. This is the first time he ever smiled to me. I nodded and finished the fruits except banana.
"You don't like it?"
"I do, but only by itself..sorry.."
I lowered my head, kinds felt guilty because he cuts the fruits perfectly in bite sizes but I couldn't eat them all.
"Same. I like it uncut or mixed with other fruits. Want another one?" he asked. I nodded and he smiled. "Now that's more like it."

Just a few minutes later, he brings another bowl of fruits, without the banana. I finished eating them as quick as I could.
"Thank you, I know it's a hassle to take care of me and I showed you my ugly side and made you do things for me..."
"Who said you're a burden? I like you being here." he sit next to me on the bed.

"When dad called us, he said something happened to you. He also told us that he's flying to Miami with your mom to film their series. Steve was at work, I just got home from college and Benjamin was at the mall too. He freaked out the most. When I got there, I saw how terrified you were. I mean, you're facing a dangerous man alone and outrun him. I felt sorry that you were alone when it happened. I might seem like a cold person, but trust me, I only wanted to make you feel safe. It's traumatic, what happened to you. We're friends, it's okay to rely on others. Express your worries to us.. " he didn't hug me, instead he put my hand to his chest"

"you will hate me if I do.." I sob.
"I promise you, I wont. Neither is Benjamin or Steve. Tell me, everything." he promised.

"3 years ago, I got a confession from one of my classmate, I rejected him because I didn't want to date yet. That made him angry, I think.. And a year ago, that guy got kicked out of school for rude behaviour. I followed my mom and be an extra in her movies, slowly getting recognised. My friends start distancing themself from me, what's harder is that I used to be sick all the time, they were there for me. Even when I got hospitalised, they would come and wish my recovery. " my minds puzzled. I couldn't connect what I think.

"Is that everything? Seems like you still hide something from me. You can be honest"
"That day, my friends called me out, they corners me and throw words at me, saying I'm hypocrite and traitor. I never understand what they meant. I went to the mall to get my mind off them. Then you knew the rest. It just.. I think the stalker knows where I was because they told him.. I hate this feeling. " I smiled at him. This time I didn't cry like before

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