Chapter 25

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"Mom, I'm ready. How do I look?" I twirl and show her my best face. The red knee-length dress fits perfectly with my up do braided bin. A soft red lipstick made me look more elegant.

"You look perfect, honey. You've grown into such a lovely women." she take her camera and snaps a few pic.

"Before I go, can I tell you something?" I asked and sit next to her on the couch.

"Yeah what is it?"   she put down her camera.

"I want to end my acting career." I said. Closing one eye so that it doesn't seem too scary.

"Oh honey, you can do and be whatever you want and I'll support your every decision. But are you sure? You've become quite the successful young actress." she holds my hand.

"Yeah I'm sure, it's just that I want to try other things. But I haven't decide them yet. Probably I will decide it before my graduation." I said and there's a knock on the door.

"Your Alex is here. Now go. But remember honey, I trust that you can do your dream job. Be safe!" she shouts and push me out.

"Hey Alex, how do I look?" I asked. He's stunning too. He has his black suit and red tie on. His medium length hair is brushed.

"You look, perfect. Too perfect that I can't seem to take my eyes off." he holds my hand.

"Hey lovebird! Look here." mom shout and snap a picture of us together, looking deep into each others eyes.

"Bye mom!" I waves and get in the passenger seat that Alex opened.

He drive to a road that I don't recognised. "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere special. How are you?" he asked.

"I think that question shoukd be asked before we left the house. But I'm good, thanks." I smiled. The drive goes for 35 minutes.

He park in a forest theme restaurant. "We're here."
The restaurant is styled like a cottage in the woods. The tables had roses and candles on it. He pull a chair for me to sit. The waitress come and he whispered something and the waitress gone back to the kitchen.

"This place is magical, like living in a fairytale. I love this place."

"I know." he put his hand on the table for me to hold. Once I put my hand on him, he stand and pull me to the middle of the restaurant, funny that there's no tables in this part.

The music of slow dance echoes. He place his hand on my waist.
"I don't know how to dance.." I said. He lift my chin up.

"Just follow me." he said and we glides through the dance floor. Red flower petals falls from the sky, the staffs on the second floor restaurant is scattering it.

"You're good at it." he twirls me.

"I stepped on your feets a couple of times." I reply. He laughs softly and leans in for a kiss. I tilted my head and goes for the kiss. The music ended as we parted our lips.

"Why is there nobody here?" I said. Even though it seems like an old restaurant, it's only because of the theme. The lights the hang on the tree make it more fantastic.

"I rented it. Tonight, I want you for my eyes only to look." he sat me down. Our food arrives. Once the waitress left, I whispered at him.

"What is this?"

"It's salmon fillet with Dutch carrot puree. Don't worry, there's no milk in." he smiled and put a napkin on his lap. I followed him and take the first bite. My eyes widened. The salmon melts into my mouth and give a tangy fragrance by the lemon.

"Oh my gosh, this is amazing! What about the drink?" I point to the blue drink.

"It's called butterfly pea tea lemonade. Here's the trick." he take the blue drink and pour in another liquid from a very small teapot into the glass. The drinks went from blue to purple. The ice make it more fancy along with the pudina leaf and lemon on the edge of the glass.

"Taste it." he hands the glass slowly to me. I took a sip with the spiral straw and the acidity of the lemon mix perfectly with the tea.

"It's wonderful, I love this too. Might be my new favourite!" I put the glass aside and look at him.

"Eat it, we're going somewhere else." he said and take a bite of his salmon. We eat the salmon till the last bite and drink the lemonade till you hear the ice clanking between the straw. Not long after we finish eating, he calls the waitress for the bill.

"Shall we split?" I asked and open my purse. He put my hand down.

"No its on me. Today, you just have to enjoy. Let's go." he stand up and we didn't go to where the car is. He leads me further into the forest. Behind the restaurant, there's a lake.

"This place is wonderful, thank you for bringing me here." I hug him. He points to the sky. I look up saw nothing. When I turn back at him, I was surprised by him with one knee on the ground. My purse fell to ground as I stands there.

"Sherry Adele Jackson, will you be marry me?"

"I - of, it's..." I stutters. I holds my breath and replied
"Give me a hundred men for a hundred years, I'll still run to have you in my arms." my eyes tear up.

"Is that a yes?" he smiled.

"It's a yes." I nodded. He pulls my hand closer to him and put the diamond ring on my finger. It's cut beautiful. He stand up and look at me deep into my eyes before pulling my waist to his and we kissed under the moonlight for a long time. Fireworks start sparkling in the sky, shocking me away from the kiss. I had to put my head on his chest as the sounds so loud.
He cover my ears and kiss me again. The fireworks soon end.

"I never thought I could experience this. Thank you." I lay my head on his chest, still, while hugging him. He has me walked in his arm back to the restaurant. The bouquet of flowers thats left on the table, he pick it and give it to me.

"Now, tells me how long you planned this." I asked as we got in the car.

"I don't want to waste any more second without you. It took me years to find you again and it made me realised how much I want you next to me. My family knows and your mom too."

"They do? But I haven't graduate. What could they be saying.."

"They're so happy that I choose you and they'll be overjoyed that you want me too. We'll be engaged for now, perhaps we can get married right after I get my masters? Can you wait for me?" he asked.

"You waited for me for years, I can do the same for you. I love you. There's nothing more I want to achieve right now other than keeping this moment forever." I said.

"I love you too. So much, more than you can imagine. You fill the missing puzzle in my heart. I can't wait to marry you." he said and kisses me again, this time, under the red traffic light in his car.

Now my list is complete, Charlie is rotting in mental asylum, I end my acting career, my friendship is peaceful one again, I get to repay Alex's family by being a part of their family, that way, I can do family events in the future, bringing everyone closer. And lastly I made the choice. I choose to be the one who get survive and now I'm not alone, I have Alex who I trust and love. Everything is perfectly perfect.

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