Chapter 22

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I'm going home right now? Not a day or two, but right now? I understand that this isn't my home, even though mom and Uncle Joey are best friend, I can't stay in their house.

I stand up and gather all of my things, my clothes, my makeups, the doll Alex gave, I put them all on the floor. 15 minutes later, Alex open the door.

"I'll help you pack." he said. There's a pained sound in voice.

"It's okay, your wrist is hurt, don't strain it." I said without looking at him.

"Rey, are you okay? Did your mom say something hurtful?" he asked as he sit on the floor right in front of me.

"Nope, just.. I'm gonna miss staying with you 24/7, I'm gonna miss Benji's loud voice, Steve's pancakes, the bird nest swing that you first carried me while I'm frozen. And I'm so gonna miss waking up to your smile and sleeping in your arm." I put the clothes I'm folding in the baggages.

" Lucky I didn't bring my entire wardrobe, or else it'll take another day of staying here. " I joke sarcastically. He pull my chin so that I face him.

"Don't cry, we can always meet, go on dates, have sleepovers, we can even video call for the whole day. You're always welcome to come back here." he said and our faces got closer and closer. Till I  can feel his breath, he look into my eyes for permission to join lips, I nodded and he take me onto his thighs. I wrapped my hands on his shoulder. His soft lip meets mine.

It was very passionate, the most gentle yet feels like a long-awaited kiss. His fingers glides from my waist to my neck then up to my face. He break the kiss after what feels like hours for awhile.

We stare into each others eyes, both catching our breath. His gaze lowers back to my lips for a few second before looking back into my eye. He leans in, for a second time. I tilted my head and give deep peck on his neck. He groans.

"Where did you learn to do that?" he asked, his voice grew deeper.

"Even though I'm an avid reader, that was my first kiss." I tightens my hands on him.

"Very good." he said before laying me on the floor fill with clothes. This time, he didn't wait for permission.

We exchanged another kiss. My lips parted slightly, allowing his tongue to slip right in. It was another kind of pleasure I never felt before. Our bodies pressed together on the floor, I can feel our heartbeat sync as we share the same breath. He lays his body on me, but not fully that I'm squuezed under him. I could even feel something hard pressing against my lower abdomen, while his knee is pinned in between my legs. Each time I move and grind my waist to it, I shudder.

It was hot and time felt like it stops. We break the kiss again and keep staring at each other.
The tension lingers still.

"You make me crazy, Rey." he whispered into my ears with his heavy breath.

"I feels weird, but it's so good."
I heave a sigh.

"Let's start packing. We can continue this later on our next date."  he said. I nodded and he lift me back up, leaning my back to the bedside.

"Is your wrist okay?" I asked.

"Yea, don't worry but I'm going to the toilet for a bit." he stand and left the room.

Its something I've never felt before and I didn't knew that I could experience it. I calms my heart and gather my breath. Then I start folding the clothes back into the luggage. One bag is filled. Leaving 1 more bag.

Not long after, Alex came back in. He face looks flushed red.
"There's not much for you to do, you can just sit comfortably." I zipped the bags and put it by the wall. The dirty clothes are in laundry bag. All I have left to pack are the makeups.

"Do you have a small bag or a plastic? My can fit them in my handbag but it's teared."  I show him the handbag I last used on the first incident.

"Wait I'll check."  he walks out again and come back for a minute later. "Can this fit?" he give a medium sized tote bag. I nodded and thanks him before stuffing all my makeups and toiletries in.

"I'm done. Can you carry Aria for me?" he shake his head.

"No, give me your bags." he tried to take it but I stop him.

"It has wheels. Don't bother. Not like its so heavy. Carry Aria for me. Let's go." I hand Aria to him, and drag the bags out.

He followed with pouted lips. We go downstairs to where mom and Uncle Joey are sitting with Steve and Benji.

"There you are, ready to go?" Mom asked. I nodded slightly and Benji take my bags.

"Thanks Uncle Joey, for sending your sons to help me. They've done so many things for me that I don't know how to repay. And thankyou for letting me stay here this past weeks and for taking care of my mom."  I give him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm just doing what others would do. Now you have to focus on getting better." he tap my shoulder. I nodded and go to Steve.

"You're like a brother to me, thanks for letting me be part of this family even just a few weeks." I too give him a kiss on the both cheek. He smiled and rubbed my head.

"Benji, you've been a wonderful friend to me. Thanks for saving me through all of my hardships." I hugged him and mom got in the car.

"Alex, thanks for taking care of me and loving me even in my worst state. I love you." I hold his face and kiss him on his lips. He replies with the kiss and said  "I'll visit you soon. We can meet everyday."

"I'd like that." we smiled and he hands Aria back to me. I sit in the passenger seat as mom starts the car. She drove off from their house, holding my hand. Our home is just 20 minutes away by car.  Its evening, the car ride is silence.  Finally, everything is getting better. I'm no longer in danger.

We arrived home, mom helped me with my bags.
" You want anything? Hungry?"
She asked, I shake my head.
"Call me if there's anything you need okay baby? Do you want me to stay with you?"  she asked again.

"No mom, I think I'm just gonna lay down." I said. She nodded and close the door. I check my phone and activate my social media's back.

A message came, Alex is asking if I'm okay.
'Just lay down, I think I'm gonna sleep more.'  sent.
I put the phone aside. I'm sit on my bed. How does one month feels like a year? I circle back on my memories of the past incidents.

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