Chapter 18

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The shower tap is on. Sprinkles of water like rain pouring on my body. The shoulder is no longer aching. I can lift it high up now. I turn off the tap once my shoulder no longer sticky.

"Are you sure I can use your towel? I could use mine." I knock on the toilet door to let him know I'm done.

"It's fine, I'll wait outside. Go ahead and wear your clothes here."  he said. The room's door are opened and closed.
I'm all dried up and my clothes are tidy. His room is so fragrant.

"Hey, I'm done! Let's eat." I opened the door and met his back.

"You're very fast." Alex said. Covering his mouth before clearing his throat.

"Why are your ears red? Are you hiding something from me?" I hold his hand. He just shake his head and walk ahead. In the end, I never know why he's like that. We just sit at the table and eat the late lunch Steve made.

"Eat it all." Alex whispered. He noticed me just picking on my food, not really eating.

"But I can't finish this. Its like for two people." at this point, Steve and Benji just look at each other in curiosity.

"You don't like beef?" Steve asked.  I shake my head and said "No I like it. A lot." I smiled and Alex laughed silently.
"I'm so gonna make a smoothie after this."

"No you're not." Alex said as he put my plate close to him, taking  a quarters of my food. "Now eat. It. All."

I sighed and starts putting the beef and rice into my mouth. Its taste wonderful. Benji finished first and went upstairs. Steve is using his phone after he done eating. Alex and me, keep pausing in between bites.

"So tell me how or what my job is for tonight." Steve asked. Alex tells him everything, from the trip to the malls until the little construction in the gym in a simple but understandable manners. Amazing brotherhood.

"Whose gonna walk with her there? She can't go alone. And who's gonna guard the back door? The shower? What if he's already there? What if he didn't even come?"  Steve asked multiple questions. Seems like our plan has many flaws.

But Alex is brilliant too, he managed to fill in our empty spots. And now our plan is ready too be carried.  Steve walk over to me and kneel to look straight into my eyes.  "Whatever happens, we'll be right next to you. Trust us." he gives a weary look.

I cups his cheeks and put our forehead together. "I trust you guys with all of my heart. Now let's get this over with. There's still like 2 - 3 hours right? I'm gonna lie down."  I give him a smile and look at Alex, signaling that I'm going to rest. He nodded and I jump down from my chair and went upstairs.

Once I got in my room, I run to the bathroom. My stomachs couldn't hold it for any more seconds. I throw out everything that I ate just now into the toilet bowl, hoping it doesn't sound too loud. I sit down on the floor to take a breather, looking down on the floor. The thoughts of getting near him again make me wanna throw everything out even when there's nothing left to puke.

Suddenly, a hand collects all of my hair to put it behind while also rubbing my back. I look back and saw Alex. I didn't realised that I forgot to close the door.

"Are you sure you're okay? We can do this another day. Is it because of me? I'm sorry if I forced you to eat again." he said and lay my back to his chest. I pushed him to stand up and wash my mouth and hands over the sink.

"No it's.. I'm okay.. Just ate too much." I turn to look at him and lean in for a hug.

"I'm really sorry, I just want-" I put my weak, trembling finger on his lip.

"Shushh, not your fault. Although you can help me with getting some Tylenol and water?" I asked and he nodded. He holds me till I lay on the bed and dash out the room. I didn't even get to pull the blanket over me when he come back. He's athletic after all.

"Here, slowly." he put the pills in my hand and holds me to sit.

"Don't look, I make weird face when eating something bitter." I told him. He shake his head.

"Why must I close my eye when someone I love is sick in front of me.." he put the hairs that cover my face behind my ear. And signal to the pill.

I sigh and put the Tylenol deep in my mouth, the water comes right after. I gulp it down and almost cough it back out. The bitter aftertaste lingers in my mouth. I manage to cover my mouth with both hands before letting the cough out.

Alex sit behind me and rubbed my back. "There, there. Now lay down. I'll be right here." he said.
I nodded and pull the blanket over till it cover my neck. I held his hand as tight as I could.

"Wake me up when we're going. And.. Thanks for taking care of me." I whisper softly.

"Sure, don't talk more, just sleep." he brushes my hair.

I tapped on the empty side of the bed, eye brow lifted signaling I want him to lay down too. He chuckles and go around the bed and lay under the blanket. As he getting closer and closer, my heart skips a beat. Now our eyes are literally one finger away. If I lean an inch, our nose would meet. But I wouldn't try to get any more closer, I just throw up. Of course my breath would smells nasty.
Instead, I lower my head to put it near his chest but  my forehead meets his lip. I could actually feel how soft it is. My cheeks flushed bright red and he smiled, giving another blow of his lip to my head. His hand wrapped around me, using it as a pillow and another hand caressing my cheek.

He lay there till god know when, I fall into a warm sleep just few minutes after his charming little action. Until there's a shaking on the bed, or more accurately, my shoulder. Having just 1 hours 30 minutes of nap actually replenished my energy as it was one of the most comfortable nap. I woke up to the most familiar scent, the calming aroma came from his neck.

"Hey, beauty. There's 45 minutes before 8. Are you sure you want to do it? How are you feeling?" he asked as his hand move from my shoulder to my forehead to check my temperature. I'm not feverish.

I nodded my head and we sit on the bed. "I'm gonna take a shower, I feel much better now that the nervousness in my stomach had gone away. Thank you, so much."  I walk out of the blanket and stand, he holds my hand.

"Go ahead, I'll be in my room." he smiled. I take my towel and go into the bathroom. I could hear the door closed, he's out. A warm shower relaxed my body after the embarrassing moment I showed him. I just realised.

I'm the jerk. He gives me all sort of attention and care, even the littlest thing. I'm sure he's doing these because he likes me, but I feel like I'm using him. There's a blossoming feelings and fluttery everytime he does something, I just couldn't say it to him. The response to his feeling, I'm gonna tell him tonight. The romantic feelings I've felt from and to him is genuine. I closed the tap and dry myself.

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