Chapter 13

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"No, that's a bad idea." Benji yell at Alex.
"I know it put her alone but we will be nearby, he wouldn't get to lay a hand on her." Alex defends his idea.
"Rey, do you think you can meet him face to face once again?" Steve asked. I nodded.
"Rey no... Don't." Benji denied.

"I'll do it. If that means I can end my nightmarish nights, I'll gladly do it. You can pick a place that has somewhere you can hide, and I'll text him saying I want to meet, once he arrive or come near me. I'll run to where you guys are, or you guys just ambush him. " I said.

"I know somewhere nearby, it's a bit isolated, we'll track his phone and yours." Alex said. Steve nodded and Benji grunts.

"When will we do it?" I asked. This time nobody gives an answer. "Let's do it in the morning then." I said. They gave each other a concerned looks before Steve say "That's too early, he might come at night because it's harder to see his face." they agreed.

"Should I tell him I wanna meet him, or just go there?" I asked.
"Just go, it'll be suspicious if you try to meet him after he saw us in your room." Alex said.

"Then it's settled. We'll move separately, we'll be right where you are." Steve get out of the room. Benji took his seat and asked "What should we do now?"

"Now, let's let Alex do his hacking, I'm gonna watch a movie in my room." I stood up and take my doll out. Alex chuckled. Benji stayed in his room. As I got into my room, I lay down, picking any movie that might interest me. But none seems fun, so I listened to a playlist in YouTube and let the sounds fills the room. I'm not sleepy but I want to sleep. If we are finally gonna do something the police can't even do, I want to sleep the nightmare away. It took me a while to finally feels drowsy with the new lion doll.

The clock rang its bell. The sudden sound shock me, waking me up from the deep sleep.
"What the hell?" I whispered to the clock. Its 9pm. I thought I was only gonna take a quick nap at noon and wake up in the evening. But then, just what can I do in this big house. I don't have to work on my diet or exercise, no homeworks to catch up, nor am I busy with acting. I'm free. Almost too free to do anything.

I'm still stuck with the fruits diet as it became my habits, but sometime I had to eat other foods because Benji and Alex like to eat 'together'. Mom is coming home in a couple days, I don't know if she just home for a while or month or just to check on me before continue her work. The lion doll that I'm holding, has a zipper near its stomach. I didn't notice it before. I zip it down, and saw theres a small paper inside of it.

"1 am. My room." he could've just tell me face to face. I shake the doll and a couple of lemon candies fall from the pocket.
"Okay, I'll go." smiling I eat the candy. A way to catch my attention is by giving me zesty flavours candy. It's 9.15 at night. Did they eat yet? I get out my room into the kitchen, where nobody is there. No signs of used plates or cups, they didn't eat tonight? Why's is the house seems empty? Not even a sound from any of the room. Maybe they are resting.

I took out a bowl, fill it with frozen berries and pour orange juice in it. The sugars may be high but its very delicious. The only thing I refuse to eat or drink is milk. Anything that has milk in it is a big no. I have a milk allergy that range from mild to severe and can include wheezing, vomiting, hives and digestive problems. Milk allergy can also cause anaphylaxis - a severe, life-threatening reaction.

As I wait for the berries to soften with the orange juice, I sit in the kitchen, underneath the island, on the floor. The empty atmosphere that the house is giving me make me feel anxious. Once the berries is chewable, its ready to be eaten.

"We're home!" Benji shouted. His loud voice almost made me throw my bowl away. They were out? At least I was safe even when they're gone.. I stayed under the island, but only heard Steve and Benji talking. "Alex didn't go with them?" I whispered.

"Nope, who'd take care of your mess if everybody is out." he said. His voice sounds so clear behind me. I lift my head to see but hit the island. "Oww"

"Did that hurt?" he asked sarcastically. "No, just like a kids hammer knocked me on my head." I replied, still rubbing the head. He laughed.
"What're you doing down there?"
He asked.
"Eating." I showed him the bowl. He snatched it.

"What did I say about eating?"
"Eat well?" I put my index finger to my cheek, acting cute.
"Eat other type of foods." he walked to where I'm standing, closer and closer.
"Right. I was gonna make 'food' but I don't know if you guys had dinners or not yet." his gaze shifted from fierce to amused, seeing me can't look in his eye straightly.
"We haven't, waiting for you." he went back to his former seat, holding his laugh.

"What eat do you food want? I meant, what food do you want to eat?" I shake my head, trying to lose the dirty thought of him.

"Anything." he take a bite of my fruit bowl. "Too sour." he commented. I roll my eyes and think of what meals good for late night. "I'll make steamed fish and rice. Help me with...." I continue nagging at him, in the end, he does most of the job.

"Steve? Dinner's ready." I knocked on his door. "This late?"
"Don't worry, I'm the expert in cooking health meals." I walked to where Benji's room was.
A few knocked and he opened the door. "Don't tell me. Let me guess, sweet and sour?" he asked. I laughed and pull his hand leading him downstairs.

We sat and eat till there's only fish bones in the plates.
"Its delicious, thanks for the meals." Steve said as he got up to clean his plate.
"Don't sweat it. If it isn't for Alex, nobody eats tonight." I point my fork to Alex.

"You cook this?" Benji asked in disbelief. A little too shocked.
"What, I'm learning from the expert. At least its good." he replied. While they're arguing, I'm still struggling to finish the rice and fish. They won't notice if I throw it, right? I stood up silently and slowly.

"Where are you going?" Alex asked. He turns his head to me.
"I'm done with the food. Now-"
"Sit back down." he took my plate. "Its almost untouched. You didn't like it?"

"No, I like it, but I ate a bit before dinner." I looked over to Benji.
"Don't force her to eat. She'll get stomachache." Benji said. Thanks for understanding my signal, Benji.
"But she hadn't eat anything other than that fruit bowl today. And every other day, she fill herself with just fruits. I'm just worried, Rey. Don't get me wrong." he explains his reason.

"I'll finish it.. Don't get angry at Benji." I took the plate and sit back. Bits by bits, the plate is left with a quarters of rice left.
"I'm full. Now go ahead, I'm taking my lion for a walk at the backyard." I washed my plates and left the kitchen. I took my lion and put it in the swing next to me.

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