Chapter 12

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The alarm that I set to ring at 12.00 pm rang. I hit the button, and went to the shower, the broken glasses are gone. The bathroom is spotless. Except there's a small piece hides between the tiles on the floor. As I pick it up, it cuts my finger. It didn't hurt much but the blood drips to the floor. I throw the piece into a trash can. I try hard not to put soap into the cuts and took a quick shower.

Once I done showering, I put little band-aid on the cuts and went downstairs. The ingredients for lunch are ready, I just have to cut them and put it in the pan. I'm making grilled beef and rice. While the rice is cooking and the beef is grilling, I had times to set the table and clean the kitchen. It's not long after 1.30 pm that a car came and park in the driveway. From the sound of the engine, it's Steve. The foods will be ready in a few minutes. He came right to the kitchen.
"Hey, you'll take a shower first right?" I asked him.
"Maybe? Why?"
"Lunch is not ready yet, if you're starving." I joke.
"No I'm not, don't bother doing everything in house. Those boys will be useless." he laughed and went up to his room. I'm starting to see Steve as a brother, well I'm an only child and they treat me like family. One where I don't want to lose. The rice cooker sounds 'PING' which means the rice is ready.

The beef is soft and settled. I pour barbecue sauce I made on it and put it on a big plate at the dining table. Seeing that everything is ready, I opened the fridge and took out my leftover smoothie. The way Steve act, maybe Alex didn't tell him about the hidden camera. I left the kitchen and go back to my room.

As usual, I either scroll the social media or watch movies, some other time, I try to do light exercise. I want to maintain my shapes and weight, being here make me feel lazy. Of course, they don't know that I'm on a diet. Around 2.45, a motorcycle pulled into the driveway, it's Benji. He said its faster. And riding it does make he looks cool.
Short after, he knocked on the door.

"Rey, you're in?"
"Yeah, come in." I told. He twisted the doorknob and enter.
"Guess what I have for you." he hid his hand behind him.
"No.. Its edible."
"Food!" I teased him.
" You know what... Here. Coconut." he gives up and shows what behind him.
"Wow, I haven't had one in such long time! Wanna share?"
"No, it's for you. Eat well." he gives a straw and went out.

The coconut water is said to reduce fever. How cute is he? Although I'm no longer feverish, I still drink and eat it. Long after, I take the coconut outer part to throw it. In the kitchen, there's Alex. I didn't hear him come home. It's still a bit early for him.

"Alex? When did you come home?" I jumped on the seat next to him.

"I only have online classes today. You didn't notice me in the living room the whole time?" he asked.

"No...did you watch me while I'm in the kitchen?" I hope he didn't see anything weird or embarrassing..

"I kinda did, why? Are you shy?" he said as he holds my hand.

"No...wait, did you clean the bathroom?"

"I did, when you're sound asleep. I also got you something for your room. Come, let's check it." he pulls my hand. We went up to where his room is. I never went inside anyone's room before. He switch on the lights, and I could see. How simple but amazing his room is. There's LED lights surrounding the room, there's a computer, his work tables, and the bed that matches the room. On the table, there is a bag. He reached for the bag and hand it to me.

"Open it." he said. I slowly open the bag and unwrapped a box my eyes widened in excitement. There's a lion doll in. So big I could hug it or use as a pillow.

"I love it, thanks." I hug the lion and turn to look at him. I swing around with it.
"I'll treat it with extra care!" I jumped to hug him. He's shocked by the reaction but hugs me back.

"A lion for the lioness." he flicked my forehead lightly.

"The best gift I've received. I'm not kidding, I really love it." I look at him. Then his expression became serious.
"Now, how about you show me the messages he sent? I could try to hack him." he rubs my shoulder, putting me on a chair next to his computer. He taps onto his keyboard and asked for my phone. I unlocked it and shows him the messages. He scrolls through the messages and connect the phone to the computer with a cable.

"In 5 minutes, I could find some informations about him. But I wanna know from you, why you didn't tell any of us about these?"
He said as he clicks on his keyboard.

"I don't want to burden any of you more than I already did. If this guy is dangerous, he might harms your family. Mom will be coming home in a few days and I'll move out by then, and it'll be my own problem to solve."

"You guys heard that?" he turn around and look at the door. I also turn and saw Benji and Steve at the door.

"I thought you start to dislike us." Steve said. Benji continues "You don't have to carry it all alone, aren't we as close like family?"

"I love you guys, and there's no way I can let the people I loves in more harm. If you guys do everything for me, protect me from the littlest thing, when can I grow up and do it for you?" I explained. I hug the lion to my chest.

"I understand that you want to repay us for all that we've done. But you must acknowledge that what we did for you, is because you're the most precious things that connects all of us. We wouldn't be as close as you've seen if you didn't call for help." Steve said with a clear voice.
He then said, "Alex wasn't a chatterbox but I could hear him all the time when you're around. Benji was hot-headed and reckless but now he's attentive and caring. And me, I would spend 24hours in the office if I could. Now I feel like I want to take all the works to do it at home. " he brushes my hair.

"You really think that? Even when all I do is being lazy all day?" I grip my hands. All of them nodded, which made me emotional.

"I'm in, now what do you think we should do to catch him?" Alex asked. There are sweats near his temple, hacking isn't easy. They discussed among them for a while, it finally happening.

"No, that's a bad idea." Benji yell at Alex.

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