Chapter 10

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This morning, I felt heavy. I could only hear my own breathing. Even the alarm that indicates its 8 in the morning, I couldn't snooze it. It keep ringing and ringing. After a while, it finally silence. The clock ticks, and the door is knocked. I couldn't answer it and he come in by himself.

"Rey? You're okay? Are you still sleeping?" Alex asked, to which I couldn't answer, I look straight at the wall on my side. Alex come to face me. "Rey?"
He touches my head.
"Oh no, you have fever.."
I blink my eye, he smiled and get out without closing the door.

I don't know how long he took but when he come back, Benji followed from behind. "Yesterday must've been very tired for you. Eat this, don't stay awake." while he pop a pill and holds a glass of water, Alex sit me on the bed, leaning on him. They feed me with the water and meds. Before tucking me warmly. Then, a wet towel was placed on my head. I holds the hand that put the towel on me without opening my eye.
"We will be close by" he said. I don't know who said that. But I nodded and sleep again.

"It's fever, don't be too on edge."
A soft but matured voice spoke.

"But in Google, she must take a lukewarm bath, wear thin clothes, eat soft food-" a loud voice spoke but got cut off.

"I know how, but don't you think showering her is too much? She's a girl.."

"Can she wear the bathrobe while bathing?"

"How's this, I'll bathe her myself, you wait outside to cover her. That way we'll be quicker?"
It's silence, no more talking. Only footsteps becoming louder. I open my eyes.
"Can you change into this? I think silk is easier for you to bathe in." Alex shows my pajama. These guy are clueless aren't they. I opened my mouth but no sound come out. Benji holds the straw close so I can take a sip.
"Putting wet towel on both my wrist and forehead has the same effect of bathing. I've always been sick to know how to take care of myself." I smile and they laugh. They proceed to put very wet clothes on my wrist, I look at them and shake my head.

"I can do it myself, you guys go ahead, do your works." I try to lean on the headboard but they immediately said "Lay down." After making it right, they said I should sleep.
I nodded and close my eye. The warm but breezy morning stayed.

I open my eyes, the clock shows 2pm. I get up and went into the bathtub. I make the water a bit hotter than lukewarm to sweat out the fever. Sitting in the bath, my normal life before the incidents flashbacks. I missed being able to go out with mom whenever we want. Mom is always busy but when she have time, she treats me to whatever I wish we do. I miss mom. I get out of the bath put on a thin shirt. My eyes couldn't stop tearing. And when I'm anxious or sad, I pick on the skins on my lips or pinch my arms.

My stomach growls, I'm not feeling as heavy but still tired. I twist the door knob and saw Benji and Alex sitting on the floor, playing games together.
"Hey you're up! Why are you up?" Benji flustered. Alex hold his laugh. "Can't I be up?"
"Where are you going?" Alex asked.
"Down, I'm hungry" I pout my lips to try to look cute. If that's even count, cause right now my hair is wet, my clothes aren't tidy and my face look messy.

"Want a piggyback ride?" he kneeled facing his back against me. "Don't mind if I do!" I lean on him. Benji took a scarf and cover my neck with it before we go down to the kitchen.
"You're still hot. Not hot - hot, hot -temperature" Alex stuttered for his comment. I hugs his back tighter. "Why are you putting me on the couch? Am I so heavy that you can't carry me till there?" I crossed my arm, he put down and said "You're not heavy at all. But I'm gonna take you a blanket and a towel to dry your hair. Ask Benji to prepare your food." he tap my shoulder and ran upstairs.

"I want fruits but most of them are hard to bite..."
"How about a smoothie? Or milk porridge?" he suggested.
"A smoothie sounds good. You sure you don't need my help?"
"I have made protein shake and pre workout before. This will be easy." he boasted. "Don't put any milk." I told. He nodded. Alex come down once he heard the blender.
"Eating only fruits everyday is not healthy, you won't get any other vitamin or protein." he nagged as he wrapped me in the blanket. My hair are put in a bun
"But I want soft food.."
"How about some chicken soup?"
"Sure.. But I still get my smoothie right?" I lean to see his face.
"Yeah whatever." and he went.

After a while, the hot chicken soup is ready. I took a sip of the soup and look at Alex. "It's bland. But it's good, I don't like salty foods. Thankyou." I pinched his cheek. He smiled and continue drying my hair.
"How bout mine? Is is good?" Benji asked. Seems like he too want a compliment.
"It's spicy..." his jaw dropped upon hearing my weird comment. "How? In There's only fruits and juice?"

"Just kidding! It's really smoothie~" I said as I took a sip.
They are watching Netflix on the TV while I'm slurping the soups. The portion Alex made is kinda for them, a man. It's too much.
"I'm full, I'll finish this later." I get up and Benji holds the blanket down. "Let me." he took the bowl and put it in the fridge.

"I'm sweating.." I complained.
"That's good." Alex replied. The movie is playing but all I'm feeling is drowsy. I look at the clock and realised its already evening. If I sleep now, I'll be awake late at night. Then again, the dark scares me. Except when they're close to me. But if I'm awake at night, I'll sleep in the morning, which is good because Benji have to go to school while Alex have college. They'll be home late in the afternoon. So I guess it's fine for me to sleep. I close my eyes and soon, I'm asleep.

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