Chapter 21

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The curtains show bits of the sunlight coming in. I look at Alex, he's still looking at me.

"Morning, Rey." he said. I smiled and slide closer to his chest.

"Thank you, for keeping your promise. I'm grateful that you are here." I said. I could hear his heart beats. Its fast.

"Let's eat?" he asked, I nodded and wiggle my toes, they're no longer paralysed. He stand up and holds me up, into his arms, again.

"Shower first." I told him, he nodded and I walked to the bathroom. Showering in the warm water, I look over my body, no more allergy reaction. I put on the most fragrant soap and perfume once I finish showering. Today, I pick the long satin dress, it's as soft as a feather. Covering my shoulder with a knitted white cardigan, I let my long hair down.

I walk out and look over the clock, it's 9 am. I walk to Alex's room and knock on the door. "Come in. Oh its you Rey." he said as I open the door. He's half naked like before with only a sweat pant on. I walk in and asked "Do you want my help?" I point to his wrist. He laughed and nodded.

"Can you take a shirt from the wardrobe? Anything is fine." he said.

I take out the shirt and put it over his head. "Arms." I command. He lift both his hand into the shirt's hole. Then, I dry his hair using the towel I came to give it back. He sprays his deodorant and perfume.

"Now we're both smells nice." he said. I nodded and hold his hand, walking down to the kitchen, there's Steve and Benji talking.

"Hey, are you guys okay? Did anyone get hurts?" I asked. They turn around and look at me.

"You woke up! Come, seat here." Benji tap on the chair. I followed and Steve said "We're fine, how are you feeling now?"

"Never been better. What's for breakfast?" I smile.

"I made pancakes." Steve puts a plate with pancakes on it. Alex take one and put honey in it. I copy him and we eat breakfast and chat for a while.

I finished mine and stand up to clean the dishes. "Don't. I'll do it."
Benji take the plates from my hand. I nodded and take a juice box from the fridge.
"I'm going to my room, call me if there's anything to do okay?" I tapped on Steve shoulder, he nodded.

Their eyes follows me till I'm upstairs, I got on my bed and turn on the TV. There's nothing new or fun in Netflix that caught my eyes, I just pick anything and let the movie run. I stare at the TV for a long time. Everything feels numb, like nothing happened last night. I close my eyes, resting my back at the headboard.

Then I remember, I have that list. Taking out the notebook and a pen, I tick on '1. Catch the stalker' now I have to tell mom that I want to stop acting, make sure no hard feelings are left behind here, repay them for their help, and lastly, make the choice.

I throw my notebook on the ground and switch off the TV. I wear my headphone and put on music. 3 or 4 songs has passed, then I felt a hand holding my arm. I flinched and skid to the end of the bed.

"No its me, calm down." Alex took my headphone off and holds both my cheek.

"Sorry I um.. didn't hear you come in. Is there a problem?" I smile to him.

"I knew it. You're not fine. You can let it out, it's okay." he brushes my hair.

"What are you talking about?" I tilt my head. He sits at the bedside with me.

"You don't have to keep all of your emotion in, it's okay to cry it out. You're safe now."

"But I'm fine? I don't understand what you're talking about." I put his hand away from my head.

"Okay I won't force you again. But you're trembling, it's visible to everyone" he said. I look at my hand and see it. Now I know what he's talking about.

"I know yesterday was bad, but it's okay now, this time, he really won't get out anymore." he holds my head to his chest. His hands wrapped my body like usual, he rock his body back and forth like the swing. I lay my head on him and we sit close like that for a solid 30 minutes in silence.



"I think.."


"I think I like you too."

He stop rocking his body. He look at me and I turn my face to his direction.

"Are you sure?" he asked. I nodded and he smile to his ear.

"Thank you, I dont know what to say..." he holds my hand to his mouth and give a kiss. I put his hand to my cheek and said "Please take good care of me."

"Does that mean you want to be mine?" he asked.

"Do you want me to be?" I asked. He take a short moment before replying. "Will you be my girl, Rey?"

I nodded and we smile. "I'm difficult to love." I said.

"For you, I'd do this a thousand times." he said and there's a knocking on the door. We look at each other before opening the door.

Just as the door swung open, a women hugs me so tight I had to keep my breath. "Oh Rey, I'm sorry I wasn't here for you."

"Mom? You're back?" I look at the figure that is crying in front of me. Her sudden visit shocked me. "Why you only come back now... I waited for such a long time.." I hug her back.

"I know baby, I'm sorry.. I couldn't get a flight home and the directors keeps shooting the film. I'm here now, forgive me, baby." she rubs my back, and I could see behind her was Uncle Joey and his sons.

"I was so scared.. I almost die.. 2 times." I cry in her arm, my feet got weaken and I stumble to the floor. Alex caught me and helds me. Mom is still crying my name.

"Ms Taylor, I think Rey should rest for a bit." Alex said. Mom nodded and he carry me to the bed, I didn't lay down, I sit.
"I'll be right outside, call me if she needs anything." he said.
Mom holds my hand and I'm holding hers.

"I'm very sorry honey, I was a bad mom, you had every right to hate me."

"I don't hate you.. I miss you so much..." I pull mom into a hug.
"Let me tell you what happened."
I rant out everything that had happened this past 3 weeks, mom listened and promised to never left me.

"It's okay mom, whenever you had to shoot some scenes, I'll be right here. With my second family, and my boyfriend." her jaw dropped.

"Boyfriend? Which one?" she asked. I laughed through my runny nose.

"It's Alex, mom. We got so much closer and there's feelings between us. Hope you don't mind." I explained.

"I think it's wonderful, honey. Alex has always been the one who's curious about you. Everytime we came here, he would sneak around to find you. It's nice that he finally got his courage." she kissed my forehead.

"Thanks mom. I love you."

"Now go pack your things, we're going home. I'll go thank Joe's sons." she stand up and get out of the room.

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