Chapter 24

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A hand holds mine tightly and there's 3 shadow standing in a line right next to me. Another is sitting very close to me. I slightly lift my eyelids and see that Benji was the one holding my hand.
"Hey you're up? How do you feel now?"  he brushes my hair.

I try to sit but he shake his head.
"What happened? How are you here?"  I asked him.

"Do you remember the last thing that happened before you fainted?" he give a cups of water with straw for me to take a dip.
I nodded.

"I was at the mall, I mean the roof with them, and they're crying." I start to tears up without realising. The three of them had cried again since I lift my eyes.

"Then it's all good, you just have to rest now. No worries." he said before giving me a kiss on the forehead and shut my eyes. I fell asleep again.

The similar voices woke me up once more after awhile of silence. The three of them are still there and Benji isn't.
" Benji? " I called for him.

"He went to class to pick up your things. The last period ended a few minutes ago. How are you feeling?"  Sophie said. She's the quiet girl with soft voice, Rani is the natural born leader in our little squad while Miley is the tomboy-like.

I smiled and sit up, "Yeah I'm feeling much better. Has it been 3 hours since?"

"4, do you remember the last day is longer before weekend?" Miley asked.

"Yeah I do, so why aren't you guys home yet?" I asked.

"Because, I have more to say. Why don't you tell us that he's been stalking you and harmed you in the mall?"  Rani asked.

I laughed and said "I left our group to clear my mind, and I realised that was dumb of me. I needed you guys, but then I also know what danger Charlie can do to you guys. And I cut off from contacting you guys because it was a shocking and relieving. If you guys had seen how he.. " I hesitate, telling them will make them more guilty and I don't want that.

"Just tell us, we need to know. You're our friends, the one who made this little squad." Sophie plead. I nodded and continued.

"If you guys had seen how terrifying it was, you would understand that it's hard to talk with others even to my mother after the incident. But it's a relieved that we weren't together when it happened, God knows how much I prayed that he doesn't get you guys too. It was hard to overcome the traumatic experience, Benji and his brothers helped a bunch by taking care of me and keeping me alive. I thought of harming myself but if I do that, that'll end us in a bad way. Every night I would stay awake as the dark night was when he first done harm to me. And every morning was the only time I can feel safe as he never tried to do anything in broad daylight." I paused and looking at my hand that I once almost cut. Sophie held it tightly and smiled in tears.

" He had me twisted my ankle, strangled me and chased me all over the mall. And since the incident, I would get fevers, nightmares, thrown up all that I eat, multiple times I fainted, and the last 2 week, Benji and his brothers planned to catch him, the plan almost fail because they underestimated his strength. But before they get to put him behind bars, he gave me a candy that made me had allergic reaction and hospitalised again. It was so difficult to get through that but luckily, his brothers and him had saved me all the time. I'm grateful that mom was friend with their dad, and I'm thankful that he hasn't harm you guys."  I sighed and take a sip from the water.

"You had all of that happened but you still thought of us?" Miley said.

"You guys are my best friends, of course I would think of you."

"Still best friend?" Rani asked.

"Forever." I replied. They pulled me in a hug that almost squuezed me.

"I'm was mad that you guys didn't trust me but that was only for a moment. Now I just want us to be together again. Can we?" I asked. They laughed.

"Of course! But tell me which one is your boyfriend. Benji or this anxious looking guy." Rani asked. She points to the curtain that separated the bed from others. Behind it was Alex and Benji. He does look anxious then relieved.

"Hey, sorry I'm late. I'll be out in a minute." I said to Alex and hold his hand.

"Benji texted me saying you fainted and I come here as soon as I could. Don't rush, take all the time you need. I will wait." he kissed my hand and walk out the infirmary. I turned to them and they laughed.

"Now go home, we'll meet next week okay?" I push them. They nodded and lift out their thumb and pinky finger, signaling me to call them as the same time. They laughed and waves goodbye silently.

Once it's clear that they left, I called for Benji and Alex who sits at the bed next to me.
"Don't you want to go home?" I asked Benji.

"I'm going. Bye!" he waves and walk out. Alex look at me and sit next to me on the bed.

"Is that the list?"

"What?" I asked.

"You won't admit that your list which has  'make peace with others'  isn't them?" he shows my notebook.

"God I've been looking for this! Where did you find it?" I take it and check the inside. It was my little diary. I kiss him on the cheek as a thanks and hug it.

"Are you sure you're okay now?" he asked again and brushes my hair aside from covering my face. I nodded.

"I can almost tell when you will ask that. You said that exact same words everytime. It's cute." I pinch his cheek.

"I did not! Was their confession too shocking that you hit your head or something?"  he covers his mouth. His ears are red.

"Take me home, mom must be worried. And we have a date tomorrow." I lean on his chest and put my head dramatically on his arm. Acting as if I'm still dizzy, then I stand up on my feet and he pulled me into his arm. He lift me up with ease.

"Don't do that." he said as we walk out the school into his car.

"Do what?"  I asked.

"I get scared whenever you act like you're hurt or sick, I don't know any good hospital nearby and I still hasn't got my master in medical even though I'm an advanced student."  he said in his low voice.

"Okay, I won't. Thanks for being here today, I really appreciate it."
I take his hand and intertwine our fingers together. He smiled and drive slower to home.

Once we arrived, mom greet him at the gate and thank him. He walk me into the living room before going out to talk with mom. He then waves goodbye and drive away.

" Oh honey, look how pale you are. I made some food, would you like some?" she asked and touches my face.

"No thanks, I'm gonna do my homework first." I run up to my room and check the mirror. My face looks like it lacked colour and yet nobody tells me. I lay on the bed and hugged Aria.

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