Chapter 6

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"At what point did you think that I wi hate you?"
"Yeah, nobody would hate you."
Me and Alex look to the door. Benji take a seat near my feet, he sighs. " Don't feel bad about yourself, you're loveable, adorable. From now on, you'll be safe from any of them. Me and Alex will protect you. But I'm sorry, I just realised that your feet is swollen, I shouldn't have bought you that shoes. I was wrong." Benji lowered his gaze, I can see that he's truly sorry. Alex just nodded.
" I don't mind getting hurt if that means I'll get to be protected by you both. " I joked. They look at each other, they didn't get my joke?
" Why do you think that we'll only protect you because you're hurt?" Alex asked.
"Once I get better, I know I had to leave. We'll be going back to our usual life.." I hold both of their hand.
"Who said? You can stay as long as you want, we're like a family now. Anything that troubles you, we'll solve it." said Benji.

"Thank you, I don't know what would've happen if you guys didn't help me. I'm very grateful and loves you guys...." I couldn't end my speech, my eyes closed and I fell asleep on Alex's while holding both their hand. I am being taken care of by them, sincerely.

That morning, I wake up very early. Its because I sleep got disturbed. I kept waking up every 2 hour, now I don't think I can sleep anymore. I walk into the shower and take out my own utilities. After a warm bath, I choose to wear a sweater and sweatpant. It's comfy and cozy. I look at the clock, it's 6am. Maybe they didn't wake up yet?

I walked to the kitchen using a crutch that Steve buy on the first day, quietly I Google the quickest breakfast recipe and prepared the ingredients. I know it's bad to rummage others home but I wanna surprise them for today.

It took me 45 minutes because I tried to do it quietly and perfect. I set the table and cover it with the food cover. It's almost 7 now, everything is washed and ready. I took my plate and went outside to the swing. The sunlight brightens the day. I ate the pancakes and left the sandwich for later. I swing back and forth. Till I finally heard a voice. I check the watch, its 7.30am. I peek through the door, it's Steve. He's already in his suit, he looked at the foods strangely and took a bite. His face lit up, maybe he tasted the yumminess of my cooking because he sat down. After piling more into his plate, he yelled "Alexander! Benjamin! Come down!" and stuff his face.

A few second later, they both come down. Alex's already wash his face. Benji is still in his pajama. I couldn't hear what they talk about. They are talking and Benji took out his phone. My phone rings, they all look at the door that leads to were Im sitting. Alex walked over and came outside. He saw me swinging with an egg sandwich in my hand. I smiled, he laughed.

"Why not eat with us? Wanna join us? There's another chair for you." he holds out his hand. I shake my head and said "No thanks, I wanna sit here a bit. Don't worry, I am wearing thick clothes. Go ahead, taste them.
He pats my head and got back in. They sit around and eat quietly. Steve went to work, Alex washes the plates and Benji just sat there. After a while, Alex start typing on his laptop, Benji got up and came over to me.

"Did you sleep well last night?"
I nodded. He sit on the bench behind the swing.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm feeling better. Thanks to you guys last night, I felt safe."
"Yeah? So why the dark circle under your eyes are visible?" busted. He noticed.
"Is it bad? I keep waking up till I couldn't sleep anymore, but I really do felt better now. My feet doesn't hurt as much anymore."

"That's good.. Why did you make breakfast?" he said straightforwardly.
"I felt like the least I can do to express my gratitude is cook. I like cooking and your kitchen is way better than at my home. You don't like it?" I think I crossed the line. I knew I shouldn't did it.

"No I like it, everything is yummy. It's just, we hardly have breakfast here. It's weird to see foods on the table." he explained.
"I'm sorry.."
"Don't be, he just don't want you troubling yourself. Its nice that you made breakfast but don't strain yourself." Alex cut in.
"I understand.."
"Don't get us wrong, Steve always work so he's not around so much. Alex and I, were used to take out. So don't worry, you won't starve here." Benji consoled me. I nodded and continue sitting on the swing, Alex went back to his laptop and Benji took out a cigarette. He was about to lit it when I took the cigarette out of his mouth.
" Hey what-" he yelled.
" No smoking, it's bad for you and people around you." I pout.
"I'm going up." I said.
"Becareful" he warns.

I nodded and make my way up using the crutch. In my room, I lay on the bed, turning on the TV. The movie is playing, but all I can think of was that everyone seems to avoid discussing about yesterday topic. I took out a notebook, and wrote a to do list.

1. Catch the stalker.
2. Stop being a teenage actress.
3. Make peace with others.
4. Repay them.
5. Make THE choice.

I close the notebook and focus on the TV. Its only 9am but I'm already bored. Suddenly, someone knock on the door. I allow them to come in. Alex came in with a bag.
"Hey, I know you have your phone and there's TV, but here.
You can download games or do anything you want with it. Just ask me if you have any questions okay?" he handed me the bag. I open the zipper and took out the laptop. It seems new.
"Is this yours or you bought one for me?" I close the bag.

"I bought it a few days ago, before you came here. But I haven't use it, I thought you'd want it."
"Then, I'll borrow it till I get better. Thanks!" I hug the bag. He smiled and left the room.

I created another social media account, with this, I might see who really tell the stalker about me. Because I'm not what he heard. I'm scrolling on the laptop for 4 hours, until I realise the time midday. Just then, Benji knock and bring out an ice pack.

"What're you doing?"
"Just watching a movie."
"Can I join?"
"Sure, what do you wanna watch?" I skid to the other side of the bed, making space for him. He jump on the bed and put the ice pack on my feet.
"It's cold!" I shout
"I haven't seen an ice pack that's hot." he answer sarcastically before sitting comfortably next to me.
"Jerk." I whisper.
"Hey!" he pout
"Go ahead, pick your movie. Its movie day~" I put the laptop in the middle so that both of us can watch it.
"I thought you're watching on the TV?" he swings the remote.
"Oh yeah, I didn't wanna be noisy so I watch using the headphone." I close the laptop and put it on the nightstand.
"Wanna invite Alex?" I asked.
"You sure?" he hesitates.
"Yeah, let's watch a horrors"
"Okay" he replies.

"Okay, hide behind the curtains. Later when he come, jump scare on him."

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