Chapter 4

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I got out the shower and saw a bag on the bed. It's a new set of clothes. Nothing is written on the bag. Maybe Alex bought it since he said he was going out. I put on the clothes. It fit perfectly. The long sleeve dress stays perfectly by my knee, the black jeans fit with the shoes. How did he knows my size? Before I wear the outfit, I put the box inside my bag, and as I try to put on the shoe, it fit but I don't know how to tie it. The shoelace are too long. I stuffed it in the shoes and knocked on Benji's door. It doesn't take long before he open it. We walked to the car, he always hold my hand to supports me because I don't want to be carried. My feet hurt only if I put pressure on, but the pain is manageable.

At my house
He parked right in front. I stepped on the shoelaces before stepping out, almost making me stumbled out.
"Did you step on your feet? Does it hurt?" he checked as he asked.
"Hahaha no I just stepped on the shoelace. It doesn't hurt that much like yesterday. Yesterday was worse. It stings so much." I use my arm to show how hurt it was today compared to yesterday. He laughed and hold my feet in his direction, tying it perfectly.
"How many girlfriends have you had to tie it perfectly like that.?" I laughed and got out of the car. The gate unlocked by the remote, while the door needs to use keys.

Just as I step in, he reply "None, waiting for someone, the right one." it took me a few seconds before replying.
"That girl would be lucky to have someone like you." it doesn't feel funny anymore. The thought of him having someone else made me be in a bad mood.
"Sit there, I'll go pack my things." I point the couch in the living room. "Let me help you. Don't carry heavy things." he follows.

"But my heart feels heavy" I whispered. He's standing not far behind me. "What?" he asked
"Just now you said something."
"No I didn't." I took out all that I need, but not so much. I'm not trying to make that room my own. After I stuff a few undergarments without him noticing, I took out the box. I tapped on the box a few times, but I need to tell him about it.
"Benji, look." I give it to him.
He opens it and the box fell to the ground. He is shocked.

"How long have you had it?"
"He gave it on that day. Before I ran out the cinema. Notice anything?" I try to let him find it.

"The dates, there's a 2 year gap, you didn't start acting till 2 years ago right?" he sit on floor, checking every photos.
"You knew about that? Anyway, this 3 years ago photo, I'm in school. Our school. Our school doesn't just let anyone in even if it's an open day."
"So... The one I beat up was probably a student, teacher or the janitor. But he's not that old."
"Isn't it weird that we never see him? I mean I was too shocked at that time to look at him properly, all I knew was he's holding a glass bottle and his expression..angry." I tears up. I didn't even know I'm going to cry but suddenly it's hard to breathe.

"No Rey, don't cry. I'm here now, he doesn't stand a chance against me. And there's Alex and Steve. They're both stronger than me. We won't turn our back on you. Come here, I'm sorry you had to feel it again." he comforted me by hugging. And it always made me feel okay. But it happened in such a short period and I'm traumatise by the dark.
I hug him back, its like a tight jar of feelings finally loosens up.
"It's scary, I don't want to go out. I want to go back...Dont let me stay alone at night.. I cant forget his face.!" I cried into his chest. Benji didn't panic like yesterday, this time he knows where to comfort me and how to make me not afraid. He pull my hairs to my back, making sure there's air. I'm sobbing on his shirt, he's patting me on my head and back. A few times then hug me tightly.

"Rey, i can't imagine how scary it is for you. I can only promise you that there's no more danger coming for you. Even if there is, I will fight for you. I'm sorry, Rey.." he picked me up and put me in his car. "Stay here, I'm gonna collects your things then we'll get out of here. I nodded. He got back in. I wiped my face with tissues and look into the mirror to check my face. I flashed the mirror to see the rear of the car, but tk my surprise. A guy with a bottle or more accurately, the stalker, is right behind the car. He smiles and look around. He slowly approach the car. I immediately lock it. He knocks on the window. "GO AWAY! LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU WON'T LAST A SECOND IF BENJI CAUGHT YOU!" I shouts as loud as I can while covering my ears and face from looking at him. After a few minutes, the window got knocks again. "YOU BETTER RUN, YOU'LL DIE ONCE HE'S HERE. GO AWAY!" I screamed . Suddenly, the door unlocked. I holds the door from opening but it swung open.
"Rey! Oh my gosh you look like you just saw a ghost. Why did you lock the car?" he put all of the bags on the ground and pull my face close to his. "Are you feeling sick? Did you have your inhaler?" it's actually Benji. Was it just my imagination? I could almost feel that he's really there.
"Benji come in, hurry up and come in!" I push him and close the door. He got in and throws all the bag at the back seat.

"Why what happened? You're very pale now, did something scares you?"
"Just now, the guy....Was here. He came and.. And knocks on the windows. How can you not see him? Hes out there, he's not at the police." i grab his arms and rub it. I rubbed it so hard because of anxiety but he just holds my hand from trembling.

"he's not here, I assure you. He won't find you nor your locations. Okay? Let's go check"
He starts the engine and drive to the police station. His warm hand is still holding my hands. I could only stop trembling but not the fear.

"He's here. He's here. He's here. He's here. He's here. HE IS HERE"
I mumbles on my own. Benji could only drive faster. I'm losing my sanity. When he parked the car. I saw Steve's car. They're inside.

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