Falling Asleep On Them

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Yancy: He'll give you cuddles! And also, he gives anyone around you death glares if they are too loud. Occasionally aggressively shushes them.

Damien: He doesn't move, much. He's nervous he will wake you up.

Illinois: Extremely self absorbed about it.

Dark: He pushes you off of him aggressively.

Google: He makes sure that he doesn't overheat and burn you.

Wilford: He doesn't notice at first, but when he does, he checks to make sure he didn't wake you up.

Engineer Mark: He falls asleep as well. He's tired.

Heist Mark: He gets up and makes sausages for when you wake up.

Eric Derekson: He gets scared that he will wake you up, to the point where actually he gets up and walks away from you. Not because he doesn't care, he just feels like you would sleep better without him risking waking you up. He feels like doing anything around you is a risk to waking you up.

Derek Derekson: He doesn't pay attention.

Some of these were slightly similar to on TikTok.

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