Saying You Don't Feel Good

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Yancy: "Oh! Oh. Oh... Well... Youse can go back to the cell and I can get youse some water and-- unless youse feels bad enough that youse needs to get to the medical area! Then, we should go. How bad do you feel?"

Damien: "You don't? Are you alright, friend? You should go rest. Maybe, I can get you some medicine?"

Illinois: "Perhaps you're... lovesick?"

Dark: "What do you want me to do? Kill you to make the suffering end?"

Google: "Perhaps I could provide a calming surrounding for you? Alternatively, I can search for your symptoms?" He searches for them and has no choice but to do what Dr. Iplier does. "I'm sorry, but... You're dying."

Wilford: "YOU DON'T FEEL GOOD?!" He's very loud when he tries to make you feel better. He does give some cuddles, though.

Engineer Mark: "What do you mean? Are you okay? Captain? Are you alright? Do you need to sit down? Fresh air?" He does whatever he can think to do.

Heist Mark: "Hey. Hey. Are you okay? Are you alright? Are you getting sick? Here?! Now?! Okay, look. You gotta tell me if you're getting sick. Cause I can get you some cough drops. Maybe I can get a rock and have you think it's a cough drop?" He then continues to rant.

Eric Derekson: "Oh. Uh--! Oh! W-well, do you need anything? I-I can get you some soup! I can make you soup! Do you have a-a headache? Do you have a fever? I can get you, like, a w-wet rag!" He continues to nervously rant until you tell him that it's okay. He decides to just help you to your bed and tells you to call him if you need anything.

Derek Derekson: He ignores you.

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