TW! Saying That You Don't Deserve to Be Here

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TW! Very sad stuff and some of them are mean. *Cough* Dark. *Cough* Derek. *Cough*

Yancy: "Hey. Don't say that. Youse is enough. Youse is enough for me and for the rest of this world."

Damien: (I totally got this from a TikTok sound with the voice of Keith Silverstein.) "I have no regrets in meeting you, friend. Should the day ever come that we are not together, you will continue to shine like gold in my memories."

Illinois: "You mean with me? Because really, no one else deserves to be with me except for you. ...Oh. You mean...? Hey, of course you do!"

Dark: "Yeah. I agree more than you do."

Google: "I am not following. That is incorrect."

Wilford: "Alright. Who do I shoot? And don't say you."

Engineer Mark: "You're right. You deserve better. Much better. Me? I... I mean, I do everything wrong. If anything, I don't deserve to be here."

Heist Mark: "Wha--? Okay, you take that back! You're doing amazing, okay?! Better than I ever could!"

Eric Derekson: "Wh-wh-what?! Um... Look, I don't know who t-told you that, but th-they couldn't be m-m-more wrong. Uh... If I'm g-gonna be hon-honest, y-you're s-s-s-so much be-better at everything th-than I am..."

Derek Derekson: "Yup."

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