~BONUS CHAPTER~ How WE Would React to Them Being Drunk

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This one sucks. I know. Leave me alone. I know it sucks. I hate this already.

Yancy: He giggles when you come in. "What's so funny?" You ask.

"There's two of youse! That's nice."

You tilt your head, concerned. "Are you okay?"

"Just peachy!"

(She-Ra reference because pride month.)

"Are you drunk?"



"Youse has, like... really nice eyes." You blush at that, a bit. "Look at that. Youse is blushing!"

"Yancy, look at yourself. You're--!"

"Mkay, I'm gonna take a nap, now," He said before falling asleep. You pick him up, putting him on your back. You carry him to his bed.

As you put his blanket over him, you can't help but think of how cute he looks asleep.

Damien: "Hello, friend." You look at him and immediately know something is off.

"Damien, are you okay? You look... drunk?"

"I mayyy have had a bit too much to drink..."

"Damien..." You sigh.

"I'm sorry, friend. I've just been so stressed, lately-- I didn't realize how much I-- I--"

"Damien, it's fine. I understand. Just... Get to bed, okay? We... have to be up early, in the morning." He nods and does as he's told.

Illinois: He comes in the room and immediately, something is wrong. "Illinois!"


"Are you drunk?!" You ask, upset.

"Yeah? So? You know... Are you Australian? Because you meet all of my koala-fications..." You chuckle. You can never stay mad at this man for long. "Did it hurt when you fell from the vending machine? Cause you look like a snack!" You blush hard.

"J-just go to bed!" You say, hiding your smile and blush. He does what you tell him and you smile after him.

"Are you sure you’re not tired?! You’ve been running through my mind all day!" He calls from the room.

You feel your face heat up a bit more. "Sh-shush! Go to bed, I said! I'll be there in a minute!"

"Mkay! Good night!"

"Gosh, those pickup lines are a lot worse than when he's not drunk," You mutter, your face cooling down, a bit.

Dark: (He's a demon, so I don't really know if he would get drunk, but here's this, anyways.)

Dark walks in, glitching a lot more than normal. "Dark, you okay?" He doesn't answer. "Why are you glitching so much?"

"That is none of your concern," He says, slurring his words. It was then that I knew.


"What do you want, now?!" He snapped, causing me to flinch. "S-sorry. I don't feel quite like myself, at the moment."

"Dark. You're drunk, are you not?"

"Y-yes. I am. You ju-- You-- ...Why...? Why can't I... Why can't I r-read your m-mind?" He stutters.

"I don't know. Maybe it's a side effect of you being drunk. Go to sleep."

"S-sleep is for m-mort-tals. I a-am n-n-not--"

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