Kicking Something The Wrong Way and Stubbing Your Toe

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By the way, anyone can use any of these scenarios. Just don't copy it exactly. You can give me credit if you want, but you don't have to if you don't want to.

Yancy: He rushes to help you. "Is youse okay? I can carry youse to the medical area if youse would like! Or maybe youse just needs an ice pack?"

Damien: "Are you alright? Do you need help?"

Illinois: "Uh... Are you alright? Meh. You've been through worse..." He pretends not to be worried so you would think that he's better at being positive. (EDIT! I absolutely hate the way I worded it before I changed it.)

Dark: He snickers at you.

Google: He scans your foot to check for injuries. He does his best to take care of you himself, but if the injury is bad enough, he takes you to a hospital.

Wilford: He helps you get anything you need. When you're asleep, he quietly destroys whatever you stubbed your toe on.

Engineer Mark: He inhales sharply and squirts his eyes shut for a moment after seeing you stub your toe. He helps you get around without putting any weight on your foot.

Heist Mark: He winces. "Ooh! That looked like it hurt! Here. I can take a look. I saw..." He counted on his fingers, " YouTube video on stubbing toes. I think I got this."

Eric Derekson: He panics, not knowing what to do. He goes on a nervous rant about what he could do, but how he couldn't figure out what to definitely do.

Derek Derekson: He bursts out laughing at you.

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