Asking to be in a Relationship

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A request by heapassesheap.

Yancy: "Um, well... Youse really wants to? I mean, yeah! Yeah, of course!"

Damien: "Uh, well, of course."

Illinois: He smiles. "Of course. I knew you liked me. They always do."

Dark: He chuckles. "I knew you've liked me for a while. It's all in your head." You tilt your head. "You've been way too nervous about it. There was no reason to be that scared." You ask if that means he liked you back. "Well..." You smirk as you sense the nervousness in him. "I'm not nervous!" He yells, reading your thoughts. "Just... Fine. Okay."

Google: He gets confused. He starts malfunctioning. He may overheat. He may shut down. He may do both. If he doesn't shut down, he starts glitching. "I-I... I do- do not kn-kn-know how to r-r-r-respond." You ask him if he's okay. "Y-y-your qu-qu-qu-question has c-c-caused me to s-start to o-overl-l-load." You ask him if recharging would help. "I d-d-do not know. I can go t-t-try."

Wilford: "Well, uh... Sure!"

Engineer Mark: "How can you love me after what I did? After all the people I..." You tell him that you do truly forgive him and he didn't know. You rub his back. "Thanks... I kinda like you, too."

Heist Mark: "Um... I mean, sure! I don't see why not. I mean... I do like you... Apparently you like me... What's stopping us from dating?"

Eric Derekson: "Y-y-y-you're kidding, r-right? I-I mean, th-there's no w-way that someone as a-amazingly s-s-s-smart, funny, a-and incredibly handsome and/or beautiful as you c-can like a n-n-nervous wreck l-like me, right?" You tell him you're not kidding and you look at him, waiting patiently for him to work up the courage to answer. "U-um..." He runs out of the room, face as red as a tomato. You feel kind of disappointed and think that he ran out to avoid the answer so as to not make you upset. However, later, he comes back into the room and mutters a quiet, "Y-yes," before leaving, face red, again.

Derek Derekson: "No."

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