Yelling at Them and Accidentally Calling Them Useless After a Bad Day Part Two

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Yancy: You finally catch up with him. You explain how rough the day was and how you really didn't mean any of what you said. "Really...?" You nod. You apologize for taking it out on him, and tell him that you will never forgive yourself for it. "...I forgive youse... Youse should forgive yousesself as well." You tell him you can't and he hugs you.

Damien: "You told me you don't know what happened. I do." You turn around to see Damien. "You were blinded by rage. You had a bad day, didn't you. A really bad one, huh? You were so upset that you didn't know where to direct it." You nod and apologize. You say you lost your temper and it wasn't right. "That's okay." He hugs you.

Illinois: You run up to catch up to him, but he speeds up. You tell him he's not useless. He freezes and looks back at you. You tell him everything that happened and you apologize for being the way you were to him. You explain everything bad that happened that day and why you were so upset. When you finish, you apologize, again, and prepare for the worst. He hugs you. You are surprised, but you hug back.

Dark: You catch up to him and tell him you really didn't mean it. You tell him you just had the worst day. He looks at you and chuckles. "You think I care?" You say that you think he does. He looks away. You tell him that he's not useless, and even though he can get on your nerves, he is more than enough. He looks at you and nods in understanding.

Google: When you finally catch up to him, you give him a definition. "Amazing. An adjective. Causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing." You recite the definition and tell him that he is amazing. You tell him you had a hard day and didn't mean any of what you said. You apologize repeatedly as you hug him. After a moment, he hugs back.

Wilford: You catch up to Wilford. You tell him it isn't his fault. "It is." You tell him you just had a bad day and didn't know where to direct your anger. You tell him that he isn't useless and all those words weren't true. He looks at you with a look that tells you that he believes you and that it isn't his fault. You hug him.

Engineer Mark: You catch up to him and tell him that you haven't given up on him. You say you just had a really bad day and you were holding in a lot of anger. You apologize again and again and start tearing up until he hugs you and cries too.

Heist Mark: You run up next to him and say that you didn't mean it. You say that he really wasn't useless and you apologize for losing your temper. He hugs you.

Eric Derekson: You look for him. He's hiding. You check every room. In the last room, you sit down. Hoping he is listening, you say that you had a very bad day and had been holding everything in. You apologize repeatedly for what you said and you tell him it's not true. "I-it's okay," you suddenly hear behind you. You jump up, startled. "S-sorry! I didn't m-mean to--!" You interrupt him by hugging him. He hugs back.

Derek Derekson: You still don't care, but you apologize anyways. He doesn't care, either.

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