Singing The Last Goodbye

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Yancy: "No way! Youse is so much more better than I am!"

Damien: He listens and really enjoys hearing your voice.

Illinois: "Well, I know. It's fun to die with me."

Dark: "Cool. I like the lyrics. The destruction of the multiverse. Too upbeat for me, though."

Google: He records it for you to watch later.

Wilford: "Well! That was truly amazing!"

Engineer Mark: "Why are you singing about that?! It's fine! We're fine! ...Right?"

Heist Mark: "Well, that's great and all, but what's all that talk about dying? We're not going to die..."

Eric Derekson: He takes the lyrics too seriously. "W-w-w-w-w-w-w-we're gonna die? The m-m-m-multiverse is being destroyed and w-we're gonna die?! And you m-made someone out o-of sp-sp-spagetti? An-and you g-g-got to be King Kong? Wow, King Kong is p-p-p... pretty big... B-b-but did you really m-m-mean what you said about being ok-k-kay with d-d-dying with me? An-an-and the multiverse is being d-destroyed?"

Derek Derekson: He doesn't pay attention. When you're done, he just says "Cool," and walks away.

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