Trying to Boop Their Nose

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mirthfulmark Thank you, again, for the idea.

Yancy: He blushes like crazy. It's so adorable!

Damien: He's a bit confused, but he's not mad. "W-what was that for?" He asks, trying to hide his blushing and stuttering, but you notice both.

Illinois: "Is that you saying you like me? I knew it."

Dark: He grabs your wrist, similar to when you tried to hold his face. "What are you doing?" He reads your mind. "Wha--?" You laugh at him, a bit. "D-don't laugh at me!" His stutter, however, only makes you laugh harder.

Google: He keeps a blank face. "What was the purpose of that?" You tell him it was for fun.

Wilford: He giggles and asks you to do it again.

Engineer Mark: "Uh-- What? Why?" You shrug and do it again. "Why are you doing that?" You tell him for fun. "Oh... Okay?"

Heist Mark: He gives you a WTF look. You do it again and he puts your hand down. "What are you...? You know what? You do you." He lets you continue to boop his nose, but he still gives you a confused look.

Eric Derekson: He flinches back a lot when you try to boop his nose the first time. "W-w-what are you--?!" You freeze. "S-sorry..." You tell him it's okay. "But w-what are you doing?" You say you're trying to boop his nose. "O-oh." You boop his nose, but he still flinches back a bit. "S-s-sorry..." You ask him if he's okay. "Y-yeah. I just..." He hesitantly boops your nose. You giggle and boop back. He doesn't flinch, this time.

Derek Derekson: No, you don't boop his nose. You punch it.

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