Falling Into A Lake When Kayaking

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Yancy: He pulls you back into the kayak immediately. "Is youse okay?" Whether you say yes or no, he leaves with you, anyways, just in case you catch a cold or something.

Damien: He pulls you back in as fast as he can. "Are you alright, friend? Do you want to leave?" Whatever you say, he respects your decision to stay or leave.

Illinois: He pulls you back in. "You okay? You can go on, right?" He wants to make sure you're okay, but he is eager to continue. If you say no, he gets disappointed.

Dark: He chuckles at you, then pulls you back in reluctantly after a moment of watching you in amusement.

Google: He pulls you up and does a scan to make sure you're okay. He decides if you stay or leave.

Wilford: He is shocked, at first. "Oh my goodness!" He pulls you up. "Are you okay?!" If you say no, he leaves with you, repeatedly checking if you're okay. If you say yes, he still occasionally checks if you're okay while you continue.

Engineer Mark: He pulls you up. "You alright, Captain? You wanna leave and make sure you're okay?" If you say you want to stay, he double checks. "Are you sure?" If you're sure, he stays with you. If you say you want to leave, he leaves with you.

Heist Mark: He looks at you in shock before pulling you back in. "Hey. You okay? You alright?" If you say no, he leaves with you. If you say yes, he says okay and continues.

Eric Derekson: He panics enough to fall in, himself. He eventually gets both of you back on the kayak, but not without repeatedly apologizing. "Sorry. U-uh... Again. A-are y-y-you okay?" Even if you say yes, you go home anyways because he's scared that he's not.

Derek Derekson: He lets you drown.

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