Zoning Everything Out Suddenly After Remembering Something Bad

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Yancy: "Hey. Youse kinda zoned out there. Is youse okay? Does youse need, like, a song to cheer youse up? Maybe some water?"

Damien: "Hey. You zoned out there. Is everything alright?"

Illinois: He doesn't notice at first, but when he does, he can tell something is wrong. He doesn't really know what to do. He snaps you back. "Is it me? Am I flirting too much?"

Dark: "Pay attention to me!"

Google: "You seem distracted. Did something happen resulting in emotional trauma that you have recalled, causing you to zone out?"

Wilford: He doesn't notice at first, kinda like Illinois, but when he does, he snaps you back to reality. "Is everything okay? Do I need to murder someone?"

Engineer Mark: "Captain...? Captain! ...It's okay. Sometimes, I get like that, too."

Heist Mark: "Hey! We need to focus! So, as I was saying--... Are you alright?"

Eric Derekson: He's probably nervously ranting to the point where he doesn't notice until if and when you tell him. Then, he feels really guilty for not noticing.

Derek Derekson: Gets frustrated that you aren't paying attention to him and walks away.

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