Complementing/Flirting With Them

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A request by mirthfulmark

Yancy: He gives you a goofy smile. "Wow... Uh... Yeah. Okay."

Damien: He smiles. "Your eyes are like the ocean, beautiful and sparkling in a special way. One so amazing that I can barely explain it."

Illinois: "Really? I mean-- yeah. Hey, your hand looks heavy. Can I hold it for you?" He's not really used to you complimenting him.

Dark: He is surprised and doesn't know what to say. You make him speechless.

Google: "Okay. If this is you looking for a compliment, I am sorry, but I do not have an opinion."

Wilford: "Really? Yeah! I'll... Is this you buttering me up for an interview? Or just a date?"

Engineer Mark: He smiles a bit. "Um... Well... Yeah, I... Really?"

Heist Mark: He gets confused. "Uh... What?"

Eric Derekson: You make him way too flustered. However, he has a pickup line written down on an index card. There's only the matter of saying it. "Oh! Uh... Um..." He gets out the card. "Uh... Kno-knock knock... Oh, wait. That's the wrong..." He gets out a different card. "Uh... Um... A-are y-y-y-you A c-c-c-co-cop? Uh... Because..." He flips the card around, but the other side is blank. "Um... Because..." He gets out a different index card. "Because...? Uh... Um... O-oh... B-b-because I kn-know y-y-y-you aren't h-h-h-he-here f-for me, b-but I-I'm going to, uh... um... a-act all n-nervous, an-an-any-anyways..." He puts the index cards away and looks to you for a response.

Derek Derekson: You don't.

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