Trying to Get Their Attention When Doing Something Important

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Thank you to mirthfulmark for the ideas.

Yancy: He stops whatever he is doing, no matter the level of importance, no hesitation. "What does youse need?" He asks this with a kind smile.

Damien: If it's really important, he hesitates, but he does eventually ask you what you need.

Illinois: "What? Am I really that amazing that you need to talk to me now? What is it?"

Dark: He gets frustrated. He might have an outburst and mess up whatever important thing he's doing. However, he does ask. "What do you want?!"

Google: He is torn between the two. He may get overwhelmed and overheat and/or shut down. If he somehow doesn't shut down or overheat, he asks you what you need.

Wilford: "Uh..." He hesitates, looking back and forth between you and what he is doing. He puts down whatever he is doing after a moment. "Yes, what is it?"

Engineer Mark: "Uh... I'm kind of in the middle of something, Captain. If you could just wait a moment..." If you continue to try to get his attention, he puts down whatever he's doing. He sighs. "Yeah? Sorry. It was kind of important. I'm trying to make up for what I did..."

Heist Mark: "Uh... Give me a moment..." He speeds up whatever he's doing to try to get to you sooner.

Eric Derekson: If it's not that important, he'll get to you without hesitation. However, if it's really important, he'll have a nervous breakdown.

Derek Derekson: He completely ignores you. If you continue to try to get his attention, he gets irritated. "Do you mind?!" He then continues to work on whatever he was working on.

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