You've Got Mail

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Hoseok was sitting at his usual table with his group of friends when you walked into the north campus cafeteria. You could hear his laughter over the rumble of conversation bussing throughout the huge room.

Did you wanna sit with his rowdy group of friends?

Absolutely not, but you did say you'd make an effort to socialize a little bit more. Hoseok was the sun that everyone gravitated to so socializing came as easy to him as breathing.

You, however, were not the sun.

Couldn't even be classified as the moon given you were as antisocial as antisocial was going to get.

"Baby, over here!" Your boyfriend bleated; as if you'd have trouble finding him.

Smile encompassed his face and that beautiful hair sitting messily atop his head from his fingers pushing it out of his face when he laughed too hard

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Smile encompassed his face and that beautiful hair sitting messily atop his head from his fingers pushing it out of his face when he laughed too hard.

How did you get so lucky again?

The guys greeted you as you took a seat next to your boyfriend, face burning red from the wet kiss he'd placed on your cheek. You didn't plan on staying long, there were more important things needing your attention than these horny bipeds.

"Did you hear about that couple they found in a sewage drain last weekend?" Jimin asked the group.

Resting bitch face activated.

Everyone except Yoongi looked disturbed; not surprising, he was almost as antisocial and disinterested in life as you aside from these kids he called his friends.

"A sewage drain? Were they homeless or something?" Hoseok wrapped his arm around you almost protectively, lips parted as he waited for his friend's response. The stodgy look on Jimin's face made you scoff in an attempt to hide your chuckle.

Now wasn't exactly the right time to laugh.

"No dude, they were dead. The police think it might be a serial killer, but they haven't officially confirmed it. Don't wanna freak out the public" He looked around at everyone as if he was telling a ghost story at a sleepover.

"And how does this relate to us exactly?" Skepticism written all over Namjoon's face as he reclined back in his chair.

Jimin's plump lips curled into a smirk, his palms rubbing together deviously.

"It's dangerous out so there's plenty of girls who are gonna need someone to walk them home at night, so I'll be getting laid all semester thanks to mister serial killer."

There was a pregnant pause as everyone stared at him before the table erupted into laughter, earning some stares from other tables nearby.

"What's so funny?" Jimin sneered, crossing his arms defensively.

Namjoon slapped a hand on the smaller man's back, jolting him forward in his chair with a yelp.

"One day you're gonna catch something, dude. Seriously, people are dead and you're excited to get your dick wet. What happened to our soft and sweet virgin Chim?" The older man quipped, shaking his head at his friend's ridiculous comment.

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