Deep in the Woods

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After your conversation with Yoongi, you locked yourself in your apartment. Hoseok was too busy with last minute study groups and other school activities and therefore unable to breathe down your neck. For once you were grateful for his extended absence.

Graduation was right around the corner and the bonfire was tonight. One last time for the undergraduates to enjoy being young and free.

'Don't you feel even a little bit guilty?! You killed an innocent girl!'

You should, shouldn't you? Taking Choi Mina's life when she'd done absolutely nothing wrong except follow behind you to make sure you were ok.

She will never graduate college, get her dream job, fall in love, or travel. It was a terrible misunderstanding, but the feeling of slicing her throat open made you feel so good. You wanted to do it again, and again, and again if only to feel more of her warm blood caress your skin.

Hopefully she'll be able to live a long full life in her next one.

Without being involved in a stupid rumor.

'Looking back, maybe I should've just approached you directly. I just wanted to check on you that night, when Hoseok told that lie about Mina and you stormed off'

'...I thought you were really crying when you bumped into Mina. I saw her chasing after you, concerned too'

Who could've predicted someone actually going out of their way wanting to be friends with you? And Yoongi of all people.

You were flattered. Well, you would have been if he wasn't the sole witness to Choi Mina's murder and had threatened to tell your boyfriend about it.


The sound of your door being unlocked brought you out of your thoughts.

Shit. What time was it? The clock on the microwave read 6:30p, the bonfire started at sundown so you had an hour to get yourself together. Hoseok poked his head in the door once it opened, sweaty russet locks covering his beautiful eyes.

"Heyy babyyyyy! Ugh, I missed you so much."  His bags let out a loud thump as he dropped them by the dining table before he threw himself on you.

Despite his weight and sweaty body, you missed him too

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Despite his weight and sweaty body, you missed him too.

"Ugh you stink and you're heavy Hobi. Get off." Breath hitching at the feeling of his lips on your neck, nipping at the thin skin.

"Duckie, is that how girlfriends should talk to their boyfriends who haven't seen them in almost a week?" Large hands gripped at your waist, his thumbs drew circles into the exposed skin of your stomach sending lightning bolts through your nerves. You tried to keep your cool, hold on to your attitude for a bit longer.

"Ugh, this again. It's the truth Hoseok, you stink!"

A shriek left your lips. He hoisted you up from the couch and over his shoulder before making his way to your bathroom.

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