Blood in the Water

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His limp had gotten worse it seemed, maybe because of how long he'd been out in the cold of the night.

He'd cursed, talking to himself the entire way to his house not paying attention to his surroundings. It almost seemed too easy the way you were able to leisurely trail him as if you were making sure your proud drunk father got home safely like on tv.

Only your father was dead. You'd made sure of it.

If he was leading you in the direction of his house, you're shocked. The apartment you shared with your boyfriend was in a better neighborhood than where you were heading. No wonder he was so irritable—no that was still no excuse for how he talked to Hoseok.

The apartment building he was walking towards was shabby, desperately needing a power wash and the light bulb above the main entrance replaced.

You walked a little faster to make sure you would catch the door after him. Yanking on the ends of your gloves you slip between the slim opening of the closing door without touching any handles.

He limps through the dimly lit lobby. You wrinkle your nose at the weird smell of mop water and air freshener as you slowly follow.

You see him push the level three button through the mirrored wall of the elevator before bolting for the stairs, your heart pounding in your ears as you try to keep your breathing quiet and steady.

Deep breaths in through the nose, you reminded yourself.

Fingers grip the door handle of the emergency exit and pry it open just seconds before the elevator door dings and Lim walks out.

Fingers grip the door handle of the emergency exit and pry it open just seconds before the elevator door dings and Lim walks out

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You press yourself tightly to the small alcove of each apartment entrance as you make your way closer. Lim turns around and scans the empty hall before turning back to the door and putting his code in the keypad.

The door opens and you push him while he's already leaned forward to walk in, watching as he stumbles to the floor before shutting the door quickly behind you.

"Ow, what the fuck?" He grumbles, rolling to his side and trying to get up with his eyes squinting at your legs. His face is twisted in pain when your eyes meet and confusion fills his eyes.

"They boys don't live here, get the fuck out of my house, fucking saesang!" He curses and you can't help but laugh.

"Get the fuck out of—" Wide eyes stare at you as his fingers try to stop the bleeding. The wound squelches loudly as you pull out the pick, blood spurting across the entryway walls.

"You should watch your mouth. Might say the wrong thing to the wrong person while his girlfriend is around to hear it."

When he gasps for air in recognition, scrambling to form words around the hole in his neck you just stand back. Smirk pulling at your lips while you watch the color leaving his skin.

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