Living Dreary Lane

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It had been a quiet funeral.

With only Yoongi's mother, younger brother, and closest friends present. Hoseok had never cried so hard in his life, eyes burned red with sorrow as he slumped down in the seat next to you.

You tried your best to offer your support, keep him grounded despite his grief. It took a lot to step outside of your placid nature to be the cheerful partner for once, but you'd do anything for this man.


"I was gonna go alone while you headed to Seoul to get the apartment ready, but I don't want to leave you alone right now." You spoke as you packed a suitcase for each of you while your boyfriend sat at the dining table pushing his food around.

The chopsticks in his hand dropped to the plate with a sharp clank. He looked over at you as you folded his favorite t-shirt, "I'm fine baby, really." He sighed, knowing that if he didn't buy the lie you definitely weren't convinced.

"No. You're not, and it's ok Hoseok. Just don't push me away, I can't handle it."

He didn't need to know how literal you were. It was gonna take time and you were willing to be patient, willing to support, and provide what he needed to help him heal. That's what partners do, and you were partners in this relationship as he's reminded you many times before.

He stood and padded over to you quietly to wrap his arms around your waist as you continued to pack.

He pressed a kiss to your hair and just held you as you went about your task. You heard his soft sniffles and put down the clothes in your hands to turn around and return the hug.

 You heard his soft sniffles and put down the clothes in your hands to turn around and return the hug

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Neither of you spoke, letting the gentle swaying of your bodies speak for you instead.

All packed and ready to go for your final visit home to see your father, you and Hoseok went to bed early that night.

You had thankfully saved up enough money to pay for a moving company to pack up both your small apartment and Hoseok's dorm room, making it one less thing to worry about when you arrived in Seoul.

As nervous and excited as you were to embark on this new journey with your boyfriend, you couldn't help the excitement at seeing your father one last time and finally telling him to fuck off and to never contact you ever again. Being able to close this chapter of your life was very overdue.


Hoseok kept his eyes glued to the road with one hand on your thigh as you drove back to your hometown, apparently you were a terrible driver. You didn't mind because that meant you got to watch the sun caress his tan skin and the breeze spilling in through the windows ruffle his hair.

He looked so sexy when he was driving, if the traffic wasn't so bad you'd make him pull over so you could safely pounce.

He looked so sexy when he was driving, if the traffic wasn't so bad you'd make him pull over so you could safely pounce

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