Hello, Goodbye

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You were sitting in the practice room of Hoseok's company, the mirrors gleamed like diamonds under the bright lights overhead.

The music blasting through the speakers thrummed through you as Hoseok critiqued the idols he'd been working with for the past few months.

His voice rang throughout the room just a few decibels louder than the music, powerful and commanding

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His voice rang throughout the room just a few decibels louder than the music, powerful and commanding.

"You're leaning too far out too soon during the chorus and that's why your placement is off. Hold back a couple seconds this time."

"Got it, hyung!"

You had only been to the company a handful of times, mainly to drop off lunch or dinner for your boyfriend.

Sitting here now and watching him completely in his element was a treat you didn't know you'd been denying yourself of. Hoseok begged you countless times to come with him to practice when you were in school.

Each time you turned him down with a scoff and lame excuse.

What were you going to do? Stare at him and the other dancers for hours like a weirdo?

That was exactly what you'd been doing for the last hour and it was exhilarating. Hoseok was an amazing teacher, stern but patient, and never one to give up no matter how frustrated he or the idols got.

You could never do what they did. Dance and sing in front of huge crowds, constantly surrounded by swarms of staff.

It seemed like a suffocating life.

Even now the room was filled with staff holding video cameras and DSLRs, filming the men as they groaned through dance practice.

You admired their perseverance and positivity despite having done the same routine half a dozen times nonstop. "You guys got this, make your fans proud. Let's take 10." Hoseok said before coming to sit beside you against the mirror.

"Hey beautiful." He was sweaty, long strands of hair plastered to his forehead, face ruddy, and that smile big and pearly like always.

His smile grew wider when you cocked your head to the side to admire him as you reached up to run your fingers through his matted locks. "It's time for a haircut don't ya think?"

Before he could answer you someone called out to him from the entrance of the practice room.

"Jung! Do I pay you to sit around and flirt?!" Hoseok immediately tried to make himself look meek and he stood up and walked over to the man.

"N-No...no sir. The guys were just taking a quick break before getting back to it, that's all." Your boyfriend answered, rubbing at the back of his neck with a nervous chuckle.

He was shorter than Hoseok with spiky peroxide bleached hair, unruly roots, and looked like at one time he'd been extremely buff but too much alcohol and jjajangmyeon had whittled away at his muscles leaving behind compacted fat.

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