Fine, Everything's Perfect

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After semi-quiet makeup sex that night, being mindful of your guests, Hoseok's worries had finally been eased, and you let yourself be distracted enough that your thoughts weren't constantly replaying in your head every 5 minutes.

The next day you apologized to Namjoon and Jimin who thankfully brushed it off saying it was actually refreshing to see that you and Hoseok weren't as cookie-cutter perfect as you seemed.

"Cookie cutter? I think that's a little much guys," your boyfriend chortled while munching on his toast, "y'all seriously didn't hear her snoring last night?"

Jimin's squeaky giggles had you fighting off a grin after smacking Hoseok on the back of his thick skull.

"I guess you'll be relieved to get a goodnight's sleep since you'll be on the couch tonight."

"Aw no, duckie I was kidding! It was a joke, I promise." He wailed, toast half in his mouth as he attached himself to your waist.

With breakfast done, you were all headed to Hoseok's company.

He wanted to show the guys around like he did with you when you'd come to visit him that day. You made sure to smile when it was appropriate and laugh when the jokes and jabs seemed funny.

 You made sure to smile when it was appropriate and laugh when the jokes and jabs seemed funny

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Your hands were clammy, head swiveling every time someone walked by.

You jumped a little when Hoseok knocked into you as he laughed at something Jimin and his coworker said.

You sighed thankfully when it looked like no one noticed, but of course you could never be so lucky.

Namjoon's large hand cupped your elbow, eyebrow raised, a silent 'are you ok?'. You shrugged out of his hold with a meek smile and nod of your head, hoping that was enough.

"Hey Jung, can Can I talk to you for a second since you're here?" The woman looks to be in her mid-thirties. Dressed professionally in navy blue wide legs slacks and a loose cream colored blouse, hair thrown up into a tortoise shell banana clip.

Appearance aside, she looked extremely apprehensive. Voice hushed and shaky as she started to walk off with your boyfriend.

"Hey, I'll meet you guys in the employee lounge. Grab whatever you want and," Hoseok pulled out his lunch card and gave it to you along with a kiss on the cheek. "You can put it on my card. Y/N's got the card so be nice to her boys or be hungry."

The woman smiled at your little group politely before finally walking away.

You were jerked to the side a little when Jimin threw his arm around your shoulder, soft hair pressing to your neck. "I'm always nice to you noona, aren't I?" He preens, eyes disappearing behind the grin on his face.

Next to Hoseok, he might be the most beautiful man you've ever seen.

Equal parts velvet and steel, like a siren. The perfect predator to lure in any and everybody, you completely understood how he achieved his manwhore status so quickly in college after losing his virginity. 

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