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You could just go back upstairs and apologize. Tell everyone you were shocked and hadn't expected that was the surprise you were coming home to.

Tell Hobi that while you didn't like the change you didn't necessarily...

You couldn't even finish the sentence because you knew, and knowing Hoseok he would too. He'd smell t

he lie from a mile away because that's all you'd be doing to him, lying through your fucking teeth teeth.

Your skin was itching, the need to feel blood on your hands maddening as your feet pounded against the concrete. You only had a small pocket knife on you so you'd have to be careful with your selection tonight.

Something quick and easy, despite how much you'd love to rip out the jugular of the man eyeing you from inside the convenience store you'd just walked by.

"Why would he do that to my hair? My beautiful hair! He looked so innocent but you knew! You knew how much that'd hurt my feelings and you did it anyway." How selfish. Did he not care about you anymore? Did he still love you?

Was it because of Lim? Maybe that boy, what was his name...Wooyoung, maybe it was because you killed them. But then that meant he knew, no he still didn't know, he couldn't.

So how the fuck could he do this to you?

Your phone buzzed again and you looked at the twentieth text message notification. Your ball of sunshine was begging you to come back home, he was worried that something would happen to you. It was late and dark, you could be robbed or kidnapped.

You chuckled at the thought, if only Hobi knew.

"Hey beautiful, out kinda late aren't you?"

Speaking of damsels in distress. You whirled around making sure to poke out your lip a little more and make your eyes a little extra big. The guy seemed sleazy and his eyes held anything but good intentions for you as he let the door of the 7-eleven slam shut behind him.

 The guy seemed sleazy and his eyes held anything but good intentions for you as he let the door of the 7-eleven slam shut behind him

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He wasn't that much taller than you, kinda lanky with broad shoulders and yellowly blonde hair.


"Um I guess so, I just needed to clear my head for a few." You mumbled, stuffing your hands in your pockets. Left hand wrapping around the pocket knife with almost uncontainable glee, was it really going to be this easy tonight?

It wasn't the first time but you couldn't deny that you wanted to play with your food for a little while before you went in for the kill. He smirked at you, pearly white teeth peeking out from behind full lips.

At least he had the decency to seem somewhat nice.

"Everything ok? Wanna maybe talk about it? We could grab some coffee or something." Coffee? Not straight to fucking?

Daydream | Mind Games Duet | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now