Chapter 11 - See You Again

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Cassandra's POV

I was walking down the street to the grocers. It was hot and the sun wasn't showing any mercy to us innocent bystanders. Not that I was innocent in any sort of way. I made my way into the shopping center and went into the store.

I walked up and down aisles getting all the items I needed for the rest of the week. It started to get pretty nerve wracking when I felt eyes staring at me everywhere I turned. I couldn't locate where the feeling was coming from, but I knew it was present. I knew someone was staring.

I turned to walk down another aisle, but the feeling followed me. Until I noticed a familiar brown mop of hair at the end of the aisle. He was staring intensely at me as if trying to interpret some unknown message. I quickly looked away when our eyes met.

I turned to walk away, but the smooth voice came out from right behind me, "I'm sorry, but do I know you. You just look quite familiar and I have no idea from where or why."

I look at him and smile, "Sorry, you must be thinking of someone else."

He nods and begins to walk away, but quickly turns around again, "By any chance can I get your number."

I quickly think up something, "I...don't give my number to strangers I'm sorry."

"Oh," he sighs. "I'm sorry for bothering you. I just really thought I knew you from somewhere."

I begin to play my own little game, " look a little familiar to me too. I just really don't know why. I lied because I'm hoping you're not one of my friends from high school."

"I highly doubt it," he says. "You seem too nice to be someone I knew in high school."

I giggle a little and he smiles, "You're really beautiful."

I blush at his compliment. He doesn't even know who I am and flirts with me. If only he knew.

Then my thoughts shift. Does he do this to everyone?

His voice interrupts me from my thoughts, "Now can I have your number?"

He smiles and it knocks the words out of me, "Yes..."

I mumbled as I quickly pulled out my phone. I quickly give him my number and he smiles, "Well, it was nice meeting"

"Cass," I whisper.

"Cass," he smiles. "I like that name. I actually have a friend that I nicknamed Cassie."

"That's cute," I smile.

"Yea," he says. "Well, so are you."

My face flushed even more at his words and he looks back, "I gotta go, but hopefully I'll see you around sometime. If I don't I'll just call."

"You do that," I giggle and then he turns to leave.

That was the most awkward interaction I've ever had and the most adorable all at the same time. I absolutely hated it. Why was he so adorable. I hate everything about him.

I immediately got myself back together and finished my shopping. I get in line and check out. Once I get out I decided to text Wilbur.

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