Chapter 5

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Christmas was in only two weeks, and I was plenty ready for it. I was supposed to go home for the break, but before then I had things to do in Hawkins. One being attending Eddie's concert later tonight.

Even though he had became my best friend, I had never went to one of his band's shows before. That was purely Family Video's fault. I got stuck working most of the Friday night shifts that no one wanted, and Eddie's band unfortunately played on several Friday nights. Robin had been able to take my shift tonight, and I was eternally grateful toward her.

I stood with Max, staring down at a small pile of clothes on my bed. I wasn't quite sure what to wear to this thing, but with a name like 'Corroded Coffin' and knowing Eddie's music taste, I was pretty sure the outfit should look pretty metalhead.

"What do you think about this?" I held up a pair of bleach-splattered jeans that were scattered with rips, an old Iron Maiden shirt, and one of my dad's black button downs that I stole.

"Looks like an Eddie Munson outfit, so I'd say that's probably what you're looking for." Max deadpanned.

"Thanks," I said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

As I changed, Max flopped backwards on her bed. "Remind me why I have to go to this thing?"

"Because I don't want to sit alone and you never leave the house."

"I still don't think I should be punished because you're in love with our neighbor."

I bent over to lace up my black Doc Martens, and to hide my heated cheeks from Max. "I'm not in love with him! We're friends and I'm being supportive of him, so you're going to be supportive of me."

"You realize your voice definitely got higher when you said that right?"

I chose to ignore her comment and grabbed my car keys.

"Let's go, we don't want to be late."

Max let out a groan as I took her hand and pulled her off the bed. As much as she didn't want to go, my aunt was working again tonight and I wasn't letting her hole up in her room for another night. Especially when I was pretty sure she'd stopped going to see the counselor.

My dad should've been the one to come to Hawkins, he was the doctor after all. Well, not a therapist type of doctor, he was a heart surgeon. Still, he seemed like a more rational choice for assistance, at least in the decision making department. All I was able to really offer were the paychecks I got from Family Video, which weren't much, but my aunt appreciated them regardless.


The venue was about what I expected. The crowd was fairly small, comprised of mainly drunk middle-aged men. That made sense, considering the show was being held in a somewhat shady bar.

The bar was not just shady in appearance, but also in regard to the law. I walked right in with my fifteen-year-old cousin and no one gave us a second look. I was tempted to ask for a beer, just to see if they'd give me one, but I drove Max here so that wasn't happening.

I spotted Eddie's familiar red-black guitar on stage, despite him being absent from the scene. The rest of the equipment was there too, just not the boys. If I got my shift covered for a show they were bailing on, I was going to be pissed.

Suddenly, the door beside the stage flew open and the four members of Corroded Coffin strutted out onto the stage. A grand entrance. I should've know better. That was a very 'Eddie' move, and he loves the band too much to skip out on a show.

Max gave me a judging gaze as she watched me chuckle over the band's entrance. "I will never understand why you like him," She shook her head.

I poked her arm. "Hey, he's funny and it's cool to watch him get so passionate about the shit he loves."

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