Chapter 25

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Eddie, Dustin, and I waited on top of the trailer, amplifiers and cords set up and ready to go. We anxiously awaited the signal to move on, but whenever it came, that meant good and bad things. On the plus side, the plan would be working as it should. The negative, though, was that Max would be under Vecna's curse in order for us to push forward. 

"She's in. Move on to phase three." Robin's raspy voice drifted through the walkie talkie.

There was a small crackle as Dustin answered her. 'Copy that. Initiating phase three."

He put down the walkie talkie and lunged for the cord to the amp. He plugged it in and the familiar crackle of the guitar whined. 

"Let's hope they hear this," Dustin said, looking to Eddie. 

I dialed up the volume on the amplifier and nodded to Eddie, who mirrored the action.

"Chrissy, this is for you." Eddie yanked on his pick necklace and strummed loudly. 

I'd heard this cord before. As soon as he launched into the introduction riff, I knew where he was going. He'd refused to tell us what song he'd picked, and now it made sense. Master of Puppets had only come out at the beginning of this month, and Eddie and I had went to the record store first thing in the morning on the day it came out. We listened to the album on repeat for the entire day, and Eddie told me that one day he'd be playing that song and be "just as metal as Metallica."

Eddie's fingers flew up and down the neck of the guitar as he picked out every note perfectly. I'm not sure what floored me more, the fact that he'd mastered the song in only a few weeks, or the fact that he didn't miss a note with all the chaos surrounding us. Either way, this was the coolest thing I'd ever witnessed in my life. 

Dustin and I wore matching grins and we bobbed our heads enthusiastically to the music. We looked at each other and back at Eddie, wearing the same expressions of pride. That was our guy up there and he was absolutely killing it. 

In the distance, a swarm of demobats were nearing us. It was working, the sound was drawing them away. 

Dustin grabbed the binoculars and his grin fell from his face. "Eddie! We gotta lock down in T-minus 30 seconds!" 

I snatched the binoculars from his hand and looked out at the distance. Shit. Holy shit. I'd never seen this many of those things in one place. I returned the binoculars and Dustin resumed his watch on the horizon. 

"T-minus 20!" He warned. 

Eddie nodded at the boy's words and skipped ahead to the solo. I watched in complete awe as he absolutely shredded the song. Was I crazy to say I was in love? Because I definitely felt like I was in love with this man.

"T-minus ten!" 

Eddie's face twisted in concentration. 


The bats were just about to us.


Instantly, Eddie played the final chord and let it ring out as we jumped into action. We sprinted for the edge of the trailer and started to hop down, racing for the door.

"Move! Move! Move!" Eddie screamed, heading up the rear.

"Let's go! Come on!" I shouted from my spot between Eddie and Dustin. 

"Come on, guys! Hurry!" Dustin yelled at us, bolting inside. "Eddie, shut it! Hurry!"

At the last second before impact, Eddie and I leapt through the door and Eddie locked the gates. I pulled him inside the trailer and we slammed the doors shut. We all stood there panting for a second. 

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