Chapter 14

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Steve, Robin, and the kids didn't show up yesterday. It worried me a little. After all the bad feelings I got at their last visit, I really wanted the reassurance of seeing them again. Thankfully, they'd left us a walkie talkie.

Eddie and I had been hanging out in the house for a little while. The boathouse wasn't exactly ideal quarters, so we decided to keep a look out and venture inside for a bit. He hunted through Rick's cabinets in search of food while I went on the hunt for some water bottles or something we could take back outside. Honestly, a couple of beers would've been nice after the past few days.

"Yeah, you'll do,"Eddie muttered, pulling a can from the shelf. "Any luck in the drink department?" He called as he opened he can into a pot on the stove.

"Nope. No water, no soda, not even some booze." 

"Food's running out too. Where's that walkie talkie at, Hel?" 

I scanned the room and spotted it on a the table. "Here," I tossed it to Eddie. "I think the outside world forgot about us."

Eddie caught the device smoothly and removed the pot from the stove. The two of you headed to the living room as he started to try and get Dustin's attention.

"Hey, Dustin, this is Eddie the Banished. You there?" Silence. "Dustin, can you hear me? Dustin? Earth to Dustin."

Finally, a voice answered back. "Hey, it's Nancy."

The two of us cheered silently at getting a response. Eddie's voice grew hopeful as he spoke, "Wheeler! Hey. Um, we're gonna need a food delivery, like really soon, unless you want us going out into the world."

Nancy's voice was resigned. She sounded exhausted. "No no no, don't do that. Stay where you are, and we'll be there as soon as we can."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hey, uh, can you pick us up a six pack? I know it's stupid as shit, drinking right now, but a cold beer would really calm my jangled nerves."

"Hey, I'm going to have to call you back," Nancy said abruptly and then hung up.

"No, don't you dare. Wheeler? Wheeler?" Eddie shouted. 

Well, that didn't sound good. 

"So, is that a no on the beers?" I attempted to joke.

"Yeah, looks like it. I guess it's just me, you, and these SpaghettiOs, princess," He said in defeat.

I got up and gave him a peck on the cheek. "I think we can work with that."

We scarfed down the food in a hurry and went back out to the boat house. While the house was definitely more comfortable, it was too risky to stay in there for long. So, back outside we went.

Hiding out was so much more boring than we'd anticipated. We couldn't listen to music, watch tv, I didn't have any books, and we had to be alert all the time. I couldn't wait for this to all be over so we could finally relax a little. 

Eddie made up a new game for us. Throw rocks in the SpaghettiOs can. So far, I was winning. I thought. After an hour or so, we kind of stopped counting. Now, we were mostly talking as we played, so no one was keeping score. We'd changed the game, so now whoever made it in got to ask the other any question they wanted.

With a satisfying plunk, my rock landed in the can. "Have you ever given yourself a stick n' poke?"

Eddie laughed. "Haven't you seen it? It's ugly as shit, did it when I was like fourteen."

"If I had seen it, why would I have asked, dipshit?" I poked his arm with a chuckle. "Now, you have to let me see it"

He groaned, but started to pull off his shirt. "Fine, but this is for your eyes only, sweetheart."

Sure enough, right on his shoulder was a splotchy dark blob. You couldn't help it as you erupted into more laughter. 

"Eddie, what the fuck is that supposed to be?"

"It's, uh, a spider, but now that I look at it, it kind of looks like a butthole." He gave you a grin.

"You know, I was gonna ask you to give me one sometime, but now I'm reconsidering," You said with playful skepticism. 

"Hey, my skills have gotten better. Probably." He pretended to look hurt. 

"Hmmm, I'll think about it."

Eddie's was the next rock to make it in the can. 

"Guilty pleasure music that no one knows about. And no bullshitting me on this one,"  Eddie crossed his arms and leaned forward. 

I froze. This was all because of the one time he was going through my records and found it. My darkest secret. I mean, I had my reputation to uphold as an avid rock fan. This was something I wanted to take to my grave. 

I took a deep breath and mumbled this answer.

"Sorry, princess, but you're gonna have to speak up."

"ABBA! It's ABBA, okay? There, now I'm ruined." I held a hand dramatically to my forehead.

Eddie's mouth gaped. "ABBA? Really? And here I thought you were as metal as I am."

"I know, I know, sometimes I just can't help it. Sometimes I want to feel like the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen."

Gravel crunched and a car door slammed. Eddie and I shared a questioning glance and he popped up to check the window. I was really hoping it was the delivery we asked Nancy for. However, Eddie ducked back down immediately. 

"Shit. Shit." He muttered as he began pacing around the boathouse. 

"Who's out there?" 

Eddie looked at me with fearful eyes as he grabbed the walkie talkie. "Those basketball assholes here to avenge Chrissy." 

"Fuck, that's not good." I started to look around for something we could defend ourselves with.

"Hey, Dustin. You there? It's Eddie, you remember me, right? Hey, if anyone's there. I really think we might be in a bit of trouble here. Okay? Wheeler?" Eddie paused a moment before smacking the walkie talkie in frustration. "Anybody?" He gritted out.

They had gone AWOL. Perfect. 

"Okay, looks like we're on our own and we need a plan before they come to bash our brains in." I whispered, voice laced with panic. 

Eddie and I waited carefully, watching the windows. It was starting to get dark now. We kept trying to reach Dustin, but no luck. I was going to kill that little turd once we found him. 

"Hey, I've got an idea," I pointed to the boat floating in the center of the room.

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