Chapter 1

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The trailer was much quieter than I anticipated when I pulled in the driveway. It made sense I guess, I mean my aunt and cousin were still mourning the death of Billy and being stranded by Billy's dad. I had never met Billy or his dad, but I knew it was probably excruciating to lose two people you were around daily.

Deciding to make a trip to the car for my luggage later, I got out of my car and paced up to the door. No one answered the first knock. Or the second. I tried once more, waited about five more minutes, and started to lose hope. Maybe my dad was wrong, maybe Max and her Mom didn't want company or help right now, and it had been about five years since I'd seen either one of them. Shit, I couldn't believe I'd driven up here alone from California without even talking to my cousin on the phone first. It's fall break, so she could easily be busy.

A trailer door opened from behind me and I whirled around. A guy about my age stepped out of his trailer. Maybe they're not home and the neighbor saw them leave? Whoever that guy was, he might've been my best bet at figuring out what to do next.

"Hey," I called, jogging slowly over towards him. "My aunt and cousin live right there. I figured they were home because the car's here, but no one's answering. I was just wondering if maybe you saw them leave earlier?"

The guy turned toward me, appearing a little startled by my sudden approach. "Sorry, haven't seen 'em." He stuck his hands in the pocket of the denim vest he wore over his leather jacket.

A frown spread across my face. "Damn, I guess I'll have to get creative to find a way in then. Thanks anyways."

As the guy started to get in the van in his driveway, I realized that I didn't introduce myself or ask his name because my social skills were quite literally terrible.

"I'm Helena, by the way. And I'm not breaking into that house, just to clarify. I'm supposed to be staying here for the next year, so maybe I'll see you around? Anyway, it was nice meeting you." That was possibly the worst introduction I'd ever given, but I slapped on an attempt at a friendly smile regardless.

"Eddie Munson, at your service." He gave me a little bow that was somehow both exaggerated and lazy. "Now, I have some business to attend to."

As quickly as it had started, the conversation ended abruptly as Eddie climbed into the van and sped off down the road. He was a bit odd, but seemed to be cool enough.

Left alone in his driveway, I made my way back to my car. If I couldn't get in the trailer, then my next plan was to go find a gas station and get a drink. However, I was saved by the sound of a door swinging open.


Max, my cousin and now savior, stood in the doorway looking at me with confusion.

"Max! Thank God! I thought maybe you weren't home, and sleeping in my car would be cool but it's full of shit that I probably should've thrown away, but um I'm here and I should've called you, but I'm here." I held up my arms with a sheepish smile.

"You're rambling, Helena." Max gave me a tired smile, but stepped forward and gave me a quick hug regardless. "So obviously I can see that you're here, but why?"

I hugged her back and then stepped toward the car to grab my bag. "Well, my dad sent me up here to help you and your mom out. I haven't seen you in a while so I thought it might be nice to come visit. He said he called your mom and told her I was coming, did she not say anything?"

"My mom doesn't say a whole lot of anything these days." Max crossed her arms and glances at the trailer.

"Is she home? I should probably say hi to her before I barge in with my piles of shit," I chuckled.

"She's home, but don't bother. I'll help you carry your 'piles of shit' in."

Max didn't elaborate further, but started to grab stuff out of my car. I followed her lead since she didn't seem to want to talk about whatever was going on with her mom. We trailed up to the house and as soon as we passed the couch in the living room I understood.

Empty bottles of booze littered the floor as her mom snored away on the couch. Max winced when she noticed me watching her mom.

"It's been hard on her. The past few months. After...everything happened, she picked up a second job and she's tired. Even though Billy's dad was an asshole, him leaving made things harder on her." She tried to defend her, but I simply nodded. I wouldn't judge because I couldn't imagine how hard it had been, but a part of me that Max didn't need to see was pissed. Max seemed sad and lonely, and someone should've been there for her.

"I'll let her nap, we can talk later. By any chance, do you know where she would want me to stay?" I plastered a smile on my face and turned to face Max.

She thought for a minute and then led me back to her room.

"It's not huge in here, but we have an old mattress I can put in the corner for you to have. If you don't mind sharing." Max stated, putting the bags she had grabbed on her bed.

She was right, the room was tiny, but we managed to fit the spare twin mattress in the corner. Max was kind enough to lend me some extra sheets, pillows, and a blanket, and we got to work putting everything away.

"I met your neighbor earlier. He's an interesting guy," I mentioned while stuffing a suitcase in her closet.

She shot me an odd look. "Neighbor? Who?"

"Said his name was Eddie Munson? Fluffy hair, lots of black clothes, looks like he probably plays guitar?" I said, plopping down on the bed.

"You realize that's how people probably describe you right?" Max looked through the pile of clothes sitting inside a box I'd brought. "I mean, do you own a shirt that isn't a band t-shirt?"

I defensively yanked my Led Zeppelin shirt from her hands and flipped her off. "My hair isn't fluffy though! It's just a little wavy!"

Max chuckled, seemingly in slightly better spirits. "Fine, people say everything except the fluffy hair part. I know who Eddie is, though. Haven't talked to him much, to be honest. Hey, how long are you staying?"

"You get me the rest of the school year, Maxine." She gave me a dirty look at the use of her full name. "Dad signed me up to finish up high school at Hawkins High."

"He's making you do senior year at a new school? That's a shitty move." Max said with slight disgust.

"I'm not missing much at home. I broke up with Darren months ago and my best friend moved to Texas last month, so there's not much for me there." I shrugged. It was sad that the only people I had were my boyfriend and best, albeit only, friend, who were both not in the picture anymore.

"Well the people here aren't great either, so good luck."

"Thanks, sunshine, that makes me feel a lot better." My lips flattened into a straight line as I gave her a flat look.

I left Max in her room not long after to go check and make sure my car was empty. It was nearly dark now, and I saw Eddie's van driving back up the road. Walking back towards the house, only one thought crossed my mind. My hair was definitely not that fluffy.

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