Chapter 8

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I really couldn't believe that spring break was already practically here. I was so close to being done with high school. Eddie was too, and this time that was true. He even gave a whole little speech in the cafeteria today about marching up to the principle, looking him dead in the eye, flipping him the bird, and then "running like hell outta here." I really was happy that '86 was gonna be his year.

Instead of celebrating how close spring break was, however, everyone was acting pissy today. Lucas had basketball game, so he was going to miss Hellfire. Eddie had tasked Mike and Dustin to cover his absence, and it didn't seem to be going well. I did feel for the kids, I knew they wanted their friend to be there more than any of the others. I would've offered to cover for Lucas, but Family Video was holding me hostage tonight.

My paychecks did seem to be making a decent difference at home. While my aunt still worked both jobs, she didn't have to pick up extra shifts anymore. Her drinking had also started to wind down some. Max and I were happy that things were getting better.

I was, however, a little worried about Max. She woke up in a panic last night. She wouldn't tell me what happened, but I put together enough of the pieces in my head. She was having nightmares, and I was pretty sure they were about Billy.

"Hey, Dustin, I think you should ask Max to sub in tonight," I caught Dustin's shoulder as we were leaving the cafeteria.

"You think she'll do it?" He looked as unsure as I felt.

"Maybe, but I think it would be good if she got out tonight. Who knows, maybe she'll be less likely to turn you down than she would me?"

Dustin nodded and went to find my cousin, and I really hoped it would work out. I definitely had my doubts about her agreeing.

I headed to my locker to wait for Eddie. It was our usual routine. We had the classes from after lunch until the end of the day together, so I'd wait here and we'd go suffer through English class. Today, he was taking longer than normal, though.

"Come on, Munson, hurry your ass up," I grumbled, glancing at the ceiling with a bored stare. If we were late to this class one more time, Ms. Carson would have our asses.

"Apologies, my lady, had some business to attend to." Eddie seemingly appeared out of nowhere and slung his arm around my shoulder.

"Come on, '86 won't be your year if you don't show up to class, Ed." I rolled my and walked to class alongside Eddie.

All my efforts this year seemed to be paying off a little bit. While he wasn't exactly focused, Eddie actually took some notes and payed a little attention in class. We had a test coming up soon after break, a big one for this class. If he passed it, he'd be able to pass this class to graduate.

"You're gonna help me with this, right? I'd really like to pass this and rub in it Ms. Carson's face." Eddie gave me a pouty look.

"You know I'll help you," I rolled my eyes jokingly at his begging. "I won't leave you stranded here with that bitch next year."

"You're a lifesaver, sweetheart," he clutched his chest with exaggerated adoration.

I chuckled. I wasn't sure Eddie's dramatic antics would ever get old. He never failed to make me smile.

"I'm going home for part of spring break, so we might have to start studying sooner. I can come over for like an hour or so tonight. Before I have work and you have Hellfire, obviously."

"Works for me. My place?" Eddie offered, even though that was practically a given because we always hung out at his.

"Sure. I'll drop Max off and be right over."

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