Chapter 20

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The five of us had moved to Nancy's bedroom and were staring at her Lite-Brite. We waited patiently for a sign from Dustin that they had theirs ready on the other side.

Right on cue, the familiar glow returned as the toy lit up and was surrounded by the glittery particles that coated the light downstairs.

"Are you guys seeing this?" Dustin's voice called faintly.

Nancy waved her fingers above the Lite-Brite, the toy responding with an intensified glow. I glanced up over my shoulder at Eddie as he watched. The glow softened his features that wore an expression of awe and I couldn't it as my gaze snagged on him briefly. He was beautiful. Even though this wasn't really the time to sit and admire him, I had to admit he was one of the most handsome people I'd ever seen.

"We're not moving it, but we're gonna unplug it. Stand by," Dustin's echoey voice broke me from my trance.

The light went out and we sat silently in the darkness, hoping for Dustin to bring back our only form of contact with the regular world.

"Okay, try it now!"

With his shout, came the return of the familiar glow. A relieved grin appeared on all of our faces.

"" Nancy held her finger out before the Lite-Brite and traced 'hi'in the air.

"That worked!" Dustin shouted back cheerfully.

We erupted into cheers of victory. Eddie even planted a quick kiss on my cheek before leaning towards the toy to shout, "Hi!" Robin and I were left chuckling happily as Nancy went back to writing.

She traced out the word 'stuck' and we waited for a moment. In response, we were barely able to hear Dustin say, "Watergate."

"What the hell's Watergate?" Steve looked at us.

"Cause it's in water and it's a gate?" Robin furrowed her eyebrows, though her guess seemed right.

"Ohhh," Steve and I said in unison as Eddie said, "That's cute."

"Right, um, no it's uh..." Nancy trailed off trying to think of a quick response. She traced out 'guarded' for the others to read.

"Watergate's guarded." We heard Dustin say, thankfully receiving the message.

"Perfect. Yes, yes, yes," Steve smiled proudly.

"We have a theory we think can help with that. We think Watergate isn't the only gate. That there's a gate at every murder site." Dustin shouted the words, but all we heard from our side was about half of that. The words 'murder site' were the clearest, but didn't tell us much without the context.

"Does anybody understand what he's talking about?" Nancy asked tiredly.

We all shook our heads, equally confused. She wrote a question mark back to Dustin.

"Okay, seriously? How many times do I have to be right on the money before you guys just trust me?" Dustin shouted back angrily.

"Jesus Christ, this kid's gotta get his ego in check." Steve shook his head.

Eddie leaned forward to look at him. "It's his tone, right?"

"I know," Steve agreed.

"Okay, so how far is your trailer?" Nancy looked to Eddie.

"Seven miles."

"Uh, Nancy, I know your house here is like weirdly, creepily frozen in time and shit, but haven't you always had bikes?" Robin pointed out.

We hurried down to the Wheeler's garage, and sure enough, there were bikes. Thank God, because I wasn't exactly looking forward to walking those seven miles in the middle of creepy Hawkins while demon bats tried to eat us. Bikes were much more appealing.

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