Chapter 19

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Thunder crashed overhead as we walked through the inky forest. A shiver rolled down my spine and I pulled my flannel shirt tighter. It wasn't that I was necessarily cold, this place just felt off in an unsettling way.

"Couldn't we have tried a road, or something slightly less creepy?" Robin inquired with an uneasy look.

"Yeah, I've seen enough horror movies to know that the killer would definitely pop out from any one of these scary ass trees." A twig behind me snapped and I jumped.

It was just Steve. "Helena, do you really think a serial killer is something we have to worry about right now?"

I flipped him off. "Well, Steve, you're the injured one here, and if you're so skeptical I'll just leave behind as a decoy."

He held up his hands in surrender and Eddie laughed.

"No one is leaving anyone behind. Besides, I think we're getting close. We're almost out of here. Don't worry." Nancy gave Robin and I a reassuring smile.

The boys fell behind and Robin, Nancy, and I drifted to the front. I glanced back briefly at Steve and Eddie, who looked deep in their own conversation. That was probably the most they've ever spoken to each other. They were likely just gushing over their son, Dustin, or something.

"So, you and Munson?" Robin blurted all of the sudden.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the two girls watching me expectantly. "What?"

"Are you guys like together now or what?" Robin rolled her eyes.

"Not exactly. Once this is all over, we're going to try the whole dating thing, though. See if it works out." Robin and Nancy chuckled slightly at my answer. "Why is that funny?"

"I don't see it not working out. He's definitely in love with you," Nancy shrugged.

"Yeah, I've seen him around you plenty of times when he'd come see you at work. The boy has it bad for you," Robin added.

I smiled. "I hope so."

"Yeah, me too," Robin nudged my arm. "If I have to sit and listen to you talk about him with that dreamy look in your eyes for one more shift, I'm quitting."

Before I could swat her arm, the ground shook violently again. We stumbled and fell into crouched positions on the ground.

Robin looked terrified. "Second on my list of least favorite things, earthquakes. Seriously, I am unsteady enough as it is."

"I'll have to agree with you on that. Wait, Nancy, where are you going?"

I looked over to see Nancy let go of the tree she'd been holding on to and dart out into the woods ahead. The ground was still quaking pretty roughly, but she kept going. Robin and I caught up with her as she reached a clearing and was gazing at the ominous sky covered in red bolts of lightning. Eddie and Steve weren't far behind, arriving a moment after the two of us.

"Are you okay?" Eddie asked, stepping in beside me.

"Yeah, I'm good. You?"

He nodded and Nancy urged us forward to follow her as she stepped out into the clearing. She led us to her house. Well, the Upside Down version of her house. It was covered in vines, but we were able to make it inside. Steve, Robin, and Nancy wandered ahead to look around. That left me and Eddie in the back.

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