Chapter 11

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I jolted awake the next morning, still in Eddie's arms. I looked around at the wooden shack and the beginning of a sunrise peeking through the boards. Panic flared in me until I remembered where exactly I was. 

Unfortunately, this meant it was all real. Chrissy died. Eddie and I were the last ones to see her alive. And now we were hiding out in the boathouse of a drug dealer. 

Eddie must've noticed me startle because he opened his eyes, wincing at the light. "What's going on? Someone there?"

"No, no, it's just us," I said, hoping to calm him down before he flew into a panic. 

He visibly relaxed and stretched his arms with a yawn. He looked a little better this morning. Good. I was hoping he'd maybe get some sleep last night. 

My stomach growled and I frowned. I guess the sandwich my aunt brought me had finally worn off. But...aha! My hands dugs through my jacket pocket and my fingers closed on what I had hoped was still there. The half-smushed granola bar looked like the most gourmet meal I'd ever seen. I broke it in half and handed one to Eddie.

"Bon appetit," I held it up in a mock cheers. 

"Thanks, Hel." Eddie took it with a small smile. 

We ate in silence. After the events of last night, all the tension between us had dissolved. However, now the light of day was there to shine on all the things we hadn't discussed. An awkwardness was building and I hated that things had changed so much in such a short time. Before yesterday, Eddie would've just been my best friend and we could've had a comfortable, quiet breakfast while hiding in a stranger's shed. 

"So, what now?" Eddie's voice finally broke the silence. 

"I'm not sure. We could leave town? California is a hell of a drive, but my dad is barely home and we could stay there." I knew that plan was a long shot, but it was the only thing I could come up with that was semi-realistic. 

Eddie shook his head. "That's not what I'm talking about."

"Then what did you mean?" 

"We kissed yesterday, Hel," Eddie blurted. "We kissed and you wanted to talk about it."

I froze. I'm not sure why I was surprised, Eddie tended to be pretty blunt. "You want to talk about that now? I feel like we have some other pressing matters to deal with"

"I'm tired of thinking about that shit!" Eddie snapped, almost shouting. "Since last night, I can't stop picturing Chrissy's dead body and thinking about how we have no idea what to do with this! Maybe I would rather deal with something else right now, okay?"

My face flushed. I didn't mean to push him, and I probably should back off. He'd been through a lot. It didn't matter that I was scared about the answer to this conversation. All the words my aunt told me last night were seeming more and more unlikely as I thought about them. Eddie was a forward person, so if he really did like me he would've said something a while ago. But I needed to face it, if not for anything else, for Eddie's sake.

"Okay," I sighed. "I'm sorry. I just started to wimp out, but we should talk. Listen, we don't have to do a whole thing where you let me down easy. I get it. All I ask is that we can still be friends, because other than you I only have Steve and Robin, and hanging out with them is more like third-wheeling the dynamic duo."

Eddie shot me a look of confusion. "You want to stay friends?"

My heart sank. "Well, yeah, but I get it if you don't want to. I know it's weird. Things are weird now. I made things weird when I started wanting more from you." Nervous laughter started to escape me, and I cursed how stupid I was being.

Eddie just started at me for a moment before he began chuckling.

I could feel the heat on my cheeks growing. "Eddie, please don't laugh at me right now." I buried my head in my hands. I just needed to calm down before I could face him. 

"It's just that you, Helena Mayfield, are the only person I know that's smart enough to have an A in Ms. O'Donall's class, and you couldn't even figure it out," Eddie gave me a sideways glance. 

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I looked at him incredulously. 

"Jesus, do I have to write it down for you?" Eddie rolled his eyes and scooted to where he was now facing me. "Helena Mayfield, you have pretty great taste in music, you're smart, you really give a shit about people, you're kind of a shitty D&D player," he earned a swat from me at that one. "And you're more genuine than anyone I've ever met, and I have been in love with you since  I saw you trying to break in to your aunt's trailer."



I had no words. As completely cliche and stupid as that sounded, I couldn't think of a single word to say in that moment. 

Instead, I did the only thing I could think to do, and I kissed him.

Immediately, Eddie kissed me back. He pulled me towards him, into his lap. My hands drifted up to his long hair. God, I loved his hair, how it was always messy but in the perfect way. 

His hands began to shift down to cup my ass and my teeth nipped his lip lightly. He made a small, pleased noise and gripped me more firmly. His tongue traced my lips and I parted them for him. He still tasted like the chocolate from the granola bar. 

Maybe this was what we needed. People were just fucking dying out of nowhere and we were probably wanted criminals, but who gave a shit. Maybe we just needed to be horny teenagers that had been pining over each other for months for a while. This was definitely a good distraction, in my slightly biased opinion. 

My hands wandered down from Eddie's hair to the edge of his t-shirt. I slid them up under his shirt to rove around his leanly muscled back. 

"Would you prefer we get rid of that pesky shirt, sweetheart?" Eddie whispered against my mouth.

I shuddered at the thought. I'd finally see all of his tattoos, which seemed kind of dumb, but I had to admit I really liked them. Like a lot. 

"I wouldn't be opposed to that," I murmured. 

"As you wish, m'lady," He went to shed the jacket and his shirt, but then we heard it.

Footsteps headed toward the boathouse. Fuck, I'd almost forgotten that we should be on guard. 

Eddie and I leapt up instantly, alert albeit disappointed that the moment was ruined. He knelt down to grab a broken bottle from the corner and stood guard at the door. I spotted an old plank of wood with a couple nails in it. It would have to do, I supposed. I joined Eddie, standing beside the door ready to attack. 

The footsteps stopped, and Eddie and I tightened our hold on our weapons.

With a hesitant creak, the door slowly opened. 

"Eddie? Helena?" A familiar voice called out quietly. 

Eddie didn't wait a second before jumping forward and putting the speaker in a chokehold, holding the bottle at his neck threateningly. I locked eyes with his captive. 


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