Chapter 9

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He was kissing me. Eddie was kissing me. I could not coherently comprehend what the fuck was going on.

I could feel myself leaning towards him, kissing him back. I didn't know I wanted this so badly until it happened. Well, maybe I did want it before. I didn't know anymore.

My internal panic got the best of me and I hesitated for a second. Just one slight second. One second that completely ruined everything.

As soon as Eddie sensed my pause, he broke the kiss. He looked up at me, eyes filled with what looked like regret.

"I'm so sorry, Helena," Eddie started.

He used my full name. No nickname or pet name or anything. That's how I knew this wasn't going to be a fun conversation.

"No, don't be. It's okay. Um, I have to go to work now. I'll see you," I cut him off before he could say any words that would hurt me further.

Eddie looked as if he wanted to say something else, but he let me go. I almost wished he hadn't. Nevertheless, I gathered my stuff and left in a hurry.

The knot in my stomach only got tighter and tighter as the day went on. Steve and Robin were both off tonight, which left me to suffer in my own thoughts. I needed to talk to someone so badly, but the only other person here was Keith, and he wasn't exactly my most friendly coworker.

Honestly, he was barely a coworker. He was my boss's nephew, so really he just showed up, flirted with girls, and got paid to do absolutely nothing productive. He didn't try to talk to me anymore, though. Not after I shot him down months ago because he told me my hair looked like the melted chocolate bar he found in his car and asked if I wanted to go out sometime. He claimed that meant it was a "pretty brown" but excuse me if I didn't take it like that. Anyways, I politely declined and he called me a bitch so now we weren't friends.

Since I had no one to talk to, I was left to sit. And think. About Eddie. Why did Robin have to be in band?

The bell by the door rang and I saw the absolute last person I thought would show up.

"Aunt Susan?" I stood up from my hunched position at the counter. "What are you doing here?"

My aunt smiled at me and held up a paper bag. "I got off of work early, so I brought you some dinner. It's just a PB & J, but I thought you might be hungry."

"Thank you, I am starving," I gave her a small grin and took the bag.

She examined my face for a moment and frowned. "Do you want to talk about it?"

I froze. "About what?"

"Something happened. You look worried. I know I'm not around very often, but you can talk to me, okay?" She reached out to run my arm soothingly.

I thought for a moment. Sure, me and my aunt didn't have heart-to-hearts very often, but she was my aunt and the only person I could talk to right now.

"I think I messed up. I don't know if I can take it back either," I shrugged, unwanted tears pricking my eyes.

"Does this have something to do with the Munson boy?" She noticed my shocked expression and chuckled. "I'm not blind, I've seen you hanging around over there pretty often."

I let out a shaky laugh and nodded. "Yeah, it's about Eddie. He's probably my best friend. We hang out all the time, and I guess maybe I like him a little. The thing is, I don't think he likes me like that."

"Why not?"

Well, I guess I was doing this now. "We kissed. I was tutoring him for English and I accidentally fell on him and he kissed me. I kinda freaked a little bit, but he stopped the kiss and the look in his eyes...he looked like he regretted everything."

My aunt grinned of all things.

"What's with the smile? This is not a happy story," I stammered incredulously.

"Honey, he stopped because you panicked. It's not that he doesn't like you, I'm betting he thinks you felt like it was a mistake. He's the one who initiated the kiss right? So why would he do it if he didn't want to?"

"I don't know, maybe he could tell that I wanted it, so he thought he'd try it, but realized he couldn't like me that way?" Thankfully there were no customers to witness my rambling mess.

"Let me tell you a little secret. Boys don't notice many things, not unless they're interested in you. He noticed you hesitate and stopped, whereas most guys would ignore that until you told them to stop. Besides, did you even ask him how he felt after the kiss?"

I paused. I was so stupid. "No, I left. He apologized, so I thought he was sorry he'd kissed me, and I ran."

"Helena, I think maybe you should talk to him," my aunt shrugged.

She was right. Oh God, what had I done? Eddie kissed me and I ran away! Who does that? I glanced at the clock on the wall. My shift didn't end for another hour when the store closed. I had to talk to him, though.

"You're right. I do need to figure this out. I might be home later, is that all right? I'm going to try and catch him at Hellfire as soon as I get off."

"Of course, just be careful and don't be out too late. I remember being a teenager, so be safe, okay?" My aunt gave me a quick hug before leaving.

I was torn between hunger and nervousness, but I ate my sandwich anyway. While I ate, I planned out my conversation with Eddie. I'd go to school and wait for him after Hellfire, then we'd talk things out. I was going to tell him that I liked him, and the kiss, and I didn't panic because I didn't want it. I was going to tell him everything. Then, we'd go from there.

As soon as Keith turned the sign to closed and we locked up, I bolted to my car. Traffic laws were more of a suggestion, I decided, as I sped toward the school. There was a basketball game still going on, so the parking lot was packed.

I ended up near the back of the lot, so I had to jog all the way to the school. It was late, I didn't have a lot of time before Hellfire would be over and he'd be leaving. I really didn't want to try and have this conversation at his trailer, especially because I wasn't sure if he'd talk to me. I needed some surprise on my side.

I spotted his van parked near the from of the school, so I changed my plan up a bit. I'd wait here for him like some creepy stalker and then ask if he was also in love with me. What could go wrong with that, right?

Sure enough, Eddie came walking out a few minutes later. He didn't spot me until he was right at his van.

"Helena?" He looked at me, confused.

"Hey, Ed, can we talk?" I tried to put on my most confident face.

"Yeah, of course," He paused as people started exiting the building, cheering and hollering excitedly. "Shit, okay, I want to talk so I need you to come with me. I have a deal back at my house, so I'm giving Chrissy a ride. You can come with, and just wait in the van. I have somewhere we can go talk after."

"Okay, that's fine...wait, Chrissy? Like Chrissy Cunningham? You're selling to Chrissy Cunningham?" I gave him a shocked look.

"She looks like she could use a little help unwinding, alright?" Eddie stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets.

"No judgment here," I held up my hands. "Just didn't expect it."

I climbed into the backseat of Eddie's van as we waited for Chrissy. A heavy silence started to form, and it didn't dissipate any once Chrissy got in the car. She seemed a little on edge which made sense, but Eddie did a good job of making her laugh and calming her down.

Seeing him like this, being all sweet, made my heart hurt. I couldn't lose someone like him, even just as s friend. What was I going to do if in a little bit he told me he couldn't be around me anymore? What was I going to do if I didn't have Eddie in my life?

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