Chapter 15

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Eddie and I had started paddling out into the lake when we heard the boathouse door slam open, followed by shouts. They'd found us.

"Holy shit." Patrick said.

"Hey, freaks! Where do you think you're going?" Jason yelled.

"Shit," Eddie and I said at the same time.

Jason start stripping off some of his layers, preparing to come after you both.

"Keep paddling, while I try to get this thing started." Eddie set down his oar and started yanking on the cord connected to the engine. He pulled over and over, but it looked like the motor wasn't going to help us out. "Just come on, you piece of shit," he gritted through clenched teeth.

"Eddie, we gotta go, that thing isn't working," You huffed, paddling as fast as you could.

"Come on. Gotta help me out here, man. Come on. Come on you piece of shit!" He yelled at the dead motor.

Jason jumped in the lake and started swimming for us, and it looked like Patrick wouldn't be far behind him.

"Eddie! Snap out of it! We have to get moving!"

"Goddamn it! Nope. Okay. Alright." Eddie finally gave up on the engine and lunged for his discarded oar.

We were paddling as hard as we could, but the boys were gaining on us quick. We were totally fucked. If they caught us, Jason wouldn't hesitate to drown us, and I'm sure his lackey would do whatever he asked.

Suddenly, Patrick stopped swimming. Unfortunately, Jason kept going. Eddie stopped rowing and stepped between me and the edge of the boat.

"Hey, stay back, man! Stay back!" He started waving the oar out at Jason.

Jason turned around briefly towards his friend. "Hey, come on, let's go. We almost have them."

The other boy didn't answer. He kept looking around wildly, but there was nothing there. Jason started shouting his name, but Patrick kept staring off in his daze.

Patrick was yanked straight down under the water.

We all froze.

"Patrick?" Jason called, unsure this time.

Fear was starting to creep into Eddie's eyes. Jason kept calling, but no response. Then, suddenly, Patrick flew out of the water and up into the air. Like way up into the air. Oh shit. Shit shit shit, this was really not good.

In a panic, Eddie backed out of the boat, the rough rocking causing me to fall in with him. The two of us resurfaced quickly, gasping for air. That might have been worse though, coming back up.

We were met with a series of sickening crunches. His bones were snapping. I watched in horror as his limbs became bent at horrific angles. Even his jaw snapped sideways. Then his was the worst thing I'd ever seen. But as quickly as it happened, his body fell back into the water.

I couldn't move. Somehow my arms and legs were treading water, but I was barely aware of it. Not even a scream escaped my mouth as I saw the boy's broken body sink to the bottom of the lake.

"Come on, Helena. We have to go." Eddie's faraway voice whispered, but I couldn't make myself swim forward.

Eddie half-dragged me back to the boat as Jason remained in a shocked state. He started paddling and handed me an oar. I numbly started paddling with him, if only to get us further away from this nightmare.

We made in to the other side of the lake, thanks mostly to Eddie. We dragged the boat on shore and hurried for the woods. I barely made it into the trees before I stopped and vomited into a bush. Eddie was there in an instant, holding back my hair and whispering reassurances. I couldn't believe he'd witnessed that happen to someone twice.

A part of me was at least aware of the situation enough to know that we needed to find a place to hide, so I tried to get my shit together and move on. We wordlessly hiked through the woods, me trailing Eddie. I didn't know where we were going, but I trusted he had a place in mind.

Wasn't that just the story of my life? I wandered along aimlessly as Eddie tried to save us both. I might as well have been dead weight. I couldn't help when we ran to Rick's, I couldn't help when Jason and Patrick showed up, and here I was zoned out now. Eddie would've been so much better off if I had left him to only have to worry about himself, not both of us.

I'm not sure how far we walked or how long it took us, but we stopped at a giant rock. Skull Rock. I vaguely remembered coming here once with Eddie and the guys. Back then, we mainly sat out here and got drunk off our asses. This time was not as fun.

"Are you okay?" Eddie asked, after we'd sat hidden behind part of the rock.

I shook my head and laid down. After a few moments I finally said, "I'm sorry, Eddie."

Eddie scooted closer beside me. "Why? You haven't done anything. I'm the one who should be sorry for dragging you into this mess."

"That wasn't your fault. It is my fault, though, that I've only made this all harder on you. I'm just one more thing you have to worry about."

"Don't say that, Hel. You've kept me sane. Everything is so fucked up right now, and without you I would have completely lost it. I need you," Eddie insisted in the most serious voice I'd ever heard from him.

I sat back up and faced him. "No, Ed, you don't. You don't need me. You need to make it out of this and...and I'm scared that because of me you won't."

My voice broke and the tears I'd been holding back for so long finally burst out. No matter how I tried to distract us or make the best of the situation, there was no getting rid of the underlying knowledge that we were being hunted and everyone was in danger. I was so, so tired of being stressed and afraid.

Eddie reached out and pulled you into a tight hug. He held me as if our lives depended on him never letting go, and he didn't say a word. He just let me cry it out. I needed it, and of all people he was one of the few who'd be able to sense that.

He finally spoke after I'd calmed down. "Listen, we're going to be okay. You're the only thing that's kept me grounded enough to get this far. Trust me. We both need to make it out of this, and we're going to. Besides, Dustin is one smart ass kid, and if anyone is going to figure it out it's him. He's probably got a plan already. We're going to be fine."

I nodded and leaned my head against his chest, listening to the comforting thud of his heartbeat. I wasn't entirely sure I believed him.

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