Chapter 28

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My eyes creaked open and I was acutely aware of the fact that I hurt.

"I take it I'm not dead?" My voice came out as a raspy whisper.

"Not even a little bit."

The voice made my eyes fly open wide. "Dad? You're here?"

Sure enough, my dad sat in the chair beside my hospital bed, arms folded as he leaned back. "In the flesh. Your aunt called me when we found out you were in some trouble and I got on the first plane here. Took a long time to find you, honey."

At the mention of trouble, I sat up quickly and winced. I looked around and I was definitely in a hospital room, but there were no cops or anything in sight like there were in the movies with criminals.

"Dad, you have to believe me, we didn't do it! Everything they're saying is a lie! Eddie and I didn't kill anyone!"

He put a hand up, his usual move when I started rambling or getting worked up. I immediately quieted and let him talk.

"I know, honey. I talked to some of your friends and your cousin. They clarified some things for me, not that I ever thought any of it was true." He gave me a crooked grin.

I had so many questions, but they were immediately replaced with new ones as he mentioned Max and my friends.

"Wait, is Max okay? And Eddie?" I asked frantically.

He nodded and i sagged back against my pillow. "All fine. Max was here earlier, but she and her mom went to grab food. And your friend, Eddie, he's in the next room over. I have to say, you two were pretty banged up when they brought you in. It was touchy for a while there."

Normally I would have chuckled at my dad's emphasis on "friend", but it was quickly dawning on me that I'd probably have to explain what happened to my dad. Then I'd have to spend some time in the psych ward. I was also reminded of all the spots the bats attacked me and I felt my hands drift to my neck. Sure enough, it was covered in a thick bandage, as was my leg, shoulder, side, and back. I sighed, but tried not to dwell on the thought too much.

"Can I tell you what really happened and you not think I'm completely insane?" I looked at him earnestly.

A lot of people would have never considered telling the truth about this scenario, but that wasn't how my relationship with my dad worked. The thing about my dad was that I told him everything. We didn't have secrets. As long as I was honest with him, he usually didn't get angry at me. We trusted each other. This was just a topic that required a little trust.

"Actually, you don't have to." He admitted, standing to get himself a cup of water.

"Wait, what?"

"Max and your friends. I told you I talked to them. They helped me clear up some suspicions I was having." He took a sip and sat back down.

"Suspicions?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I read the news articles about what they claimed happened with you and Eddie, and all of the satanic cult bullshit. Only this town would believe that a club of high school nerds, and I mean no offense by that, would actually be using the devil to kill other kids. It seemed like just the story that people here would buy into, though, as a cover up for what really happened."

I scooted up into a better sitting position and looked at him expectantly for more explanation. "I'm going to need some elaboration on that."

My dad sucked in a breath and pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. "When I was fresh out of medical school, I was recruited by Hawkins Lab to help with some research they were doing. They wanted a new grad who would be too scared of ruining their career to say anything, and I'm ashamed to say it worked. The research the lab conducted was abhorring. I stayed for a couple years, but when I got the courage to leave, I swore I'd never speak of it again. The only reason I sent you up here was because the lab was gone, so I didn't think the monsters would be an issue. I thought you'd be safe. I'm so, so sorry for that, Helena. As soon as you're back on your feet, we can get out of here and never come back, I promise."

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