Chapter 10

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Eddie led Chrissy inside as I sat in the van. Chrissy looked jumpy enough, so I figured staying out here was best. To be honest, I was kind of worried about her. She looked extremely uneasy, almost scared.

It's not like I could ask her, though. We weren't friends. I doubt she would tell me anything, and it would be weird for me to ask. It was probably just nerves about the drug deal or something.

Minutes passed as I waited. I was starting to get nervous again about talking to Eddie. The confidence I had put on wore off about two minutes into this ordeal.

Shouting came from the trailer and my head snapped up. What the fuck? It sounded more like Eddie, but it was pretty muffled. I couldn't make out what he was saying.

Eventually the shouts changed into just straight screaming. I was fully panicked now. I started unbuckling my seatbelt and opened the van door. Just as I stepped out, Eddie came bolting out of the house.

"Get in the fucking van!" He shouted.

"Eddie, what the hell is going on?" I took in his unhinged appearance, the wild and terrified look in his eyes.

"GET IN THE VAN!" He yelled in response.

"Okay, okay, Jesus," I hurried back in the van.

Eddie peeled out the driveway and sped down the street. He usually drove fast, but this was different. He was flat out flying and he looked scared for his life.

"Eddie, you gotta slow down. You're gonna crash. Please tell me what's going on," I placed a hand on his arm.

"She died! She fucking died! What am I supposed to do? She just fucking floated up in the air and-and she died!" Eddie blurted.

I froze. "Chrissy? She died? What happened?"

"I don't know. I don't know! Chrissy just died!" His voice broke. "She died and I left her there."

Tears were starting to fall on his cheeks. Oh God, this was really happening. Not that I knew what was happening. All I knew was that Chrissy was dead and Eddie had been there to witness it.

Chrissy was dead.

In Eddie's trailer.

"Fuck! What are we going to do?!" The severity of the situation was sinking in.

"Not 'we', Hel. I'm not dragging you down with me. I'm the freak, they won't blame you for this," Eddie turned toward me briefly.

Like hell was I going to leave him alone. "I'm not bailing on you, Eddie. Besides, we were both alone with Chrissy so the blame will probably get placed on both of us. We're in this together."

He nodded slightly and kept driving. I wasn't exactly sure where he was going, but he seemed like he had a place in mind. We took a series of turns and down the road that would take you to Lover's Lake. He pulled in a small clearing near a forested area.

"We can go hide out at Rick's, but I think we should leave the van," Eddie mumbled quietly, shutting off the engine.

"Yeah, okay, good idea," I nodded.

The walk to Reefer Rick's house wasn't far from here. Neither Eddie or I said a word. I wanted to ask him so many things, but I also wanted to give him the space he needed. Comforting people was not my strong suit and I wasn't quite sure where my relationship with Eddie stood at the moment, but that shit didn't matter right now. All that mattered was that I cared about Eddie and I would do anything to help him. 

"Is Rick home?" I asked as Eddie and I neared the house.

"No, but we should stay in the boathouse. At least for now."

I nodded and followed Eddie towards the old boathouse. It had definitely seen better days, but so had we. 

Eddie collapsed in the corner and I slid down the wall to take a seat beside him. 

"Shit," Eddie muttered, rubbing his eyes and then running his hands through his hair.

"I know,"I gave him my best reassuring smile.

"It's all just so fucked up, you know?" He chuckled bitterly. 

"Do you want to talk about what happened? We don't have to. You can take as much time as you need. No one can fault you for needing a minute, Ed." 

Eddie sucked in a shaky breath. "I went back to my room to find the stuff, and when I came back out...she was in some kind of trance. Her body, just like, lifted up into the air. And uh... and she just like, hung there, in the air. And then her bones- uh,... her bones started to snap. Her eyes, man, it was like there was something, like, inside her head, pulling. I didn't know what to do so I... I ran away. I left her there. ... You think I'm crazy, right?"

What he was saying definitely sounded wild, but I believed him. I had gotten some feelings when Max talked about what happened to Billy, and I could sense that she was leaving something out. That there might've been more to the story. Something did seem a little off in Hawkins. 

But Eddie would never do anything to Chrissy. I knew that for sure. He was a good person, despite the rumors that were spread and the drug deals he did. He could never do anything like that to someone. 

"No, Ed, I believe you." Eddie looked at me, unsure. "I trust you, okay? Always."

"Okay," he nodded, wiping the stray tears from his face.

I wasn't sure about my next move, but I was exhausted and Eddie looked like he could use some kind of comfort. Besides, casual touches were a form of endearment he used often, so this didn't have to mean anything. I leaned over and snuggled into Eddie and wrapped my arms around him. 

"It's going to be okay, Ed. We're going to figure this out."

Slowly, after a bit of hesitation, I could feel Eddie wrap his arms around me and lean his head over on mine.

I meant the words I said to Eddie, but I had absolutely no idea how I was going to back them up. Getting caught up in the murder of a girl that neither of us committed wasn't exactly something I had expertise in. Usually, I liked to have a plan, but now I couldn't figure one out. 

For the first time, I was going to have to completely wing something and make shit up as I went. I had Eddie's back, though. No matter how scary what was going on was, we were stuck in it and we were going to have to figure it out together. 

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