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Summer was almost over. It was late July and I had to move back home for college in California in a week. It was crazy to think I'd been in Hawkins since last fall and senior year was actually over.

Eddie and I had been dating for a little over three and a half months, and it had been pretty great so far if I was being honest. He gave me guitar lessons late at night when Wayne and my aunt had the night shift, we'd had plenty of fun after those guitar lessons, and I would spend the night at his place. Waking up in his arms was one of the best feelings ever. We'd lay in bed until almost noon, and he'd read me Lord of the Rings while I played with his hair. It was pure domestic bliss.

That's why I was utterly terrified to address the elephant in the room. I was moving back soon for college, and Eddie would be over two thousand miles away. The long-distance conversation was definitely one we needed to have, but I couldn't bring myself to initiate it. It felt like we'd finally just gotten together, and now I'd have to ask what he wanted to do about the future. Once, when we'd been hiding out, he'd said he'd follow me all the way to California, but that could've just been the circumstances, and there was no way I could ask that of him. His uncle was here, and so was his whole life. I was turning into a bit of a weenie.

Today was going to be a fun day, though. Steve's parents were out of town, so we were all headed to his house for a little end-of-summer pool party.

"Eddie! We're gonna be late, let's go!" I shouted from the kitchen as I waited for him.

Eddie was notorious for being late and I was quite the opposite. I'd gotten dressed and ready like half and hour ago, and I was half convinced he never actually got out of bed.

"Coming, sweetheart!" His head of fluffy brown hair popped in the kitchen a minute or so later.

I took in his appearance and gave a little gleeful squeal. I'd told him a few days ago that I'd love to see his hair in a messy bun, and he'd actually done it. I was right, a low bun looked really good on him.

"Princess, you're staring." Eddie's smirk instantly snapped you back to reality.

"Shut up, Munson. Let's go get Max." I flipped him off, but failed to restrain my playful grin.

He followed me out the door and started the van as I went to grab Max from next door.

"You ready, kiddo?" I asked excitedly.

She grabbed her sunglasses and shut the door behind her. "Feels like I haven't seen you in years, you've practically moved in at the Munson's. But yes, I'm ready, Hel."

"It hasn't been that long, I saw you yesterday afternoon." I rolled my eyes at her.

"For like ten minutes to change clothes. It's gonna be such a shocking change for your poor boyfriend next week. What's Eddie going to do when you're gone?" She chuckled, opening the door to climb in the back seat.

I hesitated in my tracks. I'd been doing so good with my light, happy mood. Now all my stress was falling back on me.

"What's wrong?" Eddie shot me a questioning glance as I climbed in the passenger seat.

"No, no, I'm good. Excited for the party. Did you decide if you're telling Dustin tonight?" I smiled, switching the subject.

Eddie kept his eyebrows furrowed, likely not buying my excuse, but answering my question anyway. "Yeah, I think it'd be a good time. Steve wanted to be there to see it, and everyone will be in one place so it's the perfect opportunity."

"What's going on with Dustin?" Max leaned forward in between me and Eddie.

"Eddie's going to tell him that-"

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