Chapter 30

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"Are we sure we like this outfit?" I glance back at Max, who lounged on her bed, bored.

In her defense, she'd been watching me pick out clothes for a good two hours now. I couldn't help it. My nerves were out of control. Eddie was picking me up for a date in like ten minutes and I was freaking out.

Now, I know, I know, we'd went out a million times before. But this was a date. Like two people on a romantic outing. And I had nothing but band shirts and flannels in my closet. Besides, Eddie wouldn't even tell me where we were going, so it's not like I had something to go off of.

Max sat up and examined my denim skirt and the black, button-down silk shirt I had tucked into it loosely, both courtesy of her mom. "Hel, you look hot. He's gonna be drooling before you even leave the house."

"What about the hair? Should I straighten it? And should I go with Doc Martens or my converse? Is the make up alright?" I was pacing circles around our shared bedroom.

"Leave the hair wavy, wear the Docs, and your makeup looks fine. Chill out, dude." Max rolled her eyes and grabbed a comic book off her nightstand to read.

"Don't act like you weren't the same way when you and Lucas went to that movie on Friday!" I pointed at her accusingly.

She immediately put the book down and scoffed. "I was not! Sinclair's just some stupid boy, nothing to get worked up over!"

The blush covering her cheeks betrayed her and I started laughing as she began sputtering. "But you likeee him, so I don't want to hear it!" I giggled maniacally and ruffled her hair.

I might have teased her a little bit about Lucas, but I was incredibly grateful to the boy. He'd saved Max. Vecna had come seconds from ending her life, but the boy had managed to step in just in time. He definitely had my blessing.

Max made to lunge for me, but a knock on the door made us freeze in our tracks. Eddie was here.

I hurried over to the mirror to give myself one last once over. My wavy hair was relatively controlled, makeup looked decent, outfit was in place. Deciding I was good to go, I jogged out to the front door, Max on my heels.

Eddie stood on the front porch with some flowers in hand. The Eddie Munson had went and bought me flowers. What I would have given to see him out at the flower shop picking these out.

"Sweetheart, you look absolutely gorgeous. In fact, I might go so far as to say perfect." Eddie gaped at you before grinning and handing you the flowers.

"Why thank you, Ed. You don't look so bad yourself." I took the flowers, cheeks flushed, and admired his outfit.

His mane of hair was pretty much the same, since it didn't like to be tamed, but I could tell he cleaned up. Instead of a Hellfire or band shirt, he'd went with a plain white shirt, his black jeans, and his usual assortment of jewelry. Well, save for the ring he gave me that pretty much stayed on my thumb at all times. It seemed like it got too hot for his leather jacket and denim vest at some point after all.

Max took my flowers for me to put in a vase of water and Eddie led me outside. Always the gentleman, he even held the door for me to climb inside the van. He went around and climbed in the driver's seat and shot me another smile.

"What?" I chuckled nervously as his eyes roved over me.

"You just look so beautiful, princess. And, I also happen to be very excited for the evening's events." He shrugged and started up the engine, cheesy grin still plastered on his face.

"So, will you finally tell me what the plan is?"

"Nope. You'll know once we get there."

His stubbornness was frustrating, but I could tell he wouldn't budge on this. All week long he'd refused to let loose a single detail. Though I'd never admit it, I kind of liked the surprise. It was nice to have something that was a good surprise and not more other-dimensional monster surprises.

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