| The Hill |

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Giyus POV:

Before the two of the hashiras got settled for the night in the wind pillars estate, Sanemi had made supper for the two. Surprisingly it was tomiokas favorite food, simmered salmon with daikon. The two of them were a little tense at the dinner table, it was awkward and silent as the two ate. They had already taken baths and were ready to go to bed after they ate. Sanemi had his own bed, yes an actual bed which he thought was might comfy. He had a futon at one point but just wanted to end up sleeping in a bed, so he paid for one. But besides that, Sanemi gave Tomioka his old futon to lay down on for the night. The futon was grey and white with a white clean pillow. Tomioka couldn't help but take his nose up to the pillow, it just smelled so damn good to him. Shingazugawa slept in his room while Tomioka just randomly slept in the living room, but sanemi didn't mind it.

-hours later-

The night was cold and had a beautiful obscurity darkness. Tomioka wasn't falling asleep at all which he normally doesn't. Tomioka thought this was  a good opportunity to enjoy the scenery outside of the wind hashiras estate. He quietly got up from his futon and started walking towards the door. He didn't have any shoes so he just went in some slippers instead. The hill next to the house would be perfect to sit on to watch nightfall, he thought about watching it all on top of the roof but considered it to be a little rude.

As he sat on the small hill he remembered something familiar about the current position he was in. He remembered that him and his old friend Sabito always watched as the witching hours came downhill. He remembered the conversations they would have as the watched the full moon out in the sky. Tomioka would always talk about his sister Tsutako and the things they did together when she was still alive. Of course Tomioka at the moment felt a hint of sadness as he witnessed these memories once again and thought of their faces. Their smiles. He missed them so much. Tomioka felt like crying as he took his eyes off of the moon and held his head down in shame
"Why wasn't I the one to perish? The two of them could've had achieved so much...Sabito, Nee-San.., I'm sorry I can't be with you two, but I wish I could..."

As Tomioka said these words in his head, he felt a tear fall down his cheek. He wanted to let it all out on this small hill he was on, he didn't care. He never fount the time to let his feelings loose or to sorrow down in his own little space, but this was the place. He felt as if no one would judge him since no one was watching him cry, His cries were silent but you could really see the pain he was in at the moment. He thought that everyone around him was slowly fading away. He didn't want to lose another person special to him.

Hard to believe that he truly had someone special to him at the time since he really didn't talk to any of the hashiras and not to mention on how introverted he was, but he felt a connection between this person. A connection that wasn't like any other connection he had before. You can say he had a romantic connection to this person, but Tomioka wasn't sure if it was a connection but merely just a crush. He was falling for someone that didn't even like him, no, someone who despised him. Someone who hated his guts for just the way he acted around others. Tomioka didn't really hate this person though, he just found him a little annoying due to the amount of times he called him names and tried to fight him. But somehow he fount something in the man. Tomioka knew he liked kids, his favorite food, and about his little brother genya. He fount him as a loving and responsible person, but little does tomioka know, he will find himself falling for him more day by day.

Tomioka began to be lost in his thought about Sanemi, he had eventually stopped crying after awhile and thought about what was going to go down tomorrow. He didn't really know if this mission was going to be an easy one or not, but he just hoped to get the job done and have everything go as ordinary. Tomioka started to be aware of the amount for time he has been outside and collected himself before getting up and walking back inside.

"We'll just have to seen what tomorrow holds.."

(896 words)
An early chapter since I had free time, and thanks for you guys voting on this I really appreciate it :)
I'm trying to get to 100 reads by the end of this month so I rlly hope I reach my goal. Idk when next chapt finna be out but hopefully soon. Have a gn or gm. OH RIGHT AND I CHANGED THE BOOK PHOTO 😍🤞

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